Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins – Chapter 18

Amelia uses her shoulder to push open the front door, wheeling her carry-on suitcase behind her and pressing her phone to her ear. “The Balenciaga,” she says. “Yeah, listen, I’ve got to go.”

She tosses the phone aside, running the last few steps across the room to where Victor is standing, jumping up into his arms and wrapping her legs around his waist.

Victor had intended to be stern, to break the news to her as soon as he could, but…almost involuntarily, he wraps his arms around her, burying his face into the space between her neck and shoulder. He growls softly.

, licking the tip of his nose and laughing. “Did you miss me?”

h the other. She laughs and wiggles, whispering “Do we have time? Before the party at the Club?

tor turns and heads into the kitchen, where a glass of whiskey and another of rose are waiting.

owing him into the kitchen.

ve to talk.”

ny change in his movement. What is he up to?

estures towards the

talks, she begins to sip.

how – she was there too, for a moment, does she remember them? Then seeing Evelyn again, their fight, his demands. Amelia finishes the first glass of wine. She pours another.

ues, telling about the boys coming to stay for the night, Evelyn coming over to help. About being pushed into the pool, breakfast in the morning, Evelyn leaving with two crying boys in tow…

s start to rise, an instinctive desire to bare her teeth. She shuts these instincts down, though, refusing to let them show.

udes, his hand on his glass, watching her carefully. “I’m going to recognize them as my sons, as is my right. If you don’t…well, if this means you want to cancel our mating cere

osted glass that she holds between her fingers. After a long pause she says, “So. If she says no, you’re going to turn he

He nods.

e going to let me walk away.”

hat anyone else wants, you’re keeping the boys in your life. Even if it means losing m


s slowly on the ball of her perfectly manicured food and smashes her glass

he stairs, Victor hears Amelia let out a low scream of rage – a primal thing, a warning to anything that can hear it to stay the f**k out of her path. Rather than scaring him, though Victor rises t

Luna, his match. But god, how were they going to survive this.

sundress and a hat with a wide straw brim, a fake smile pasted on her face, All to impress two six-year-old boys

to destroy her life.

y laugh they move. The part of her that loves Victor moves towards these boys, wanting to know them.


Now, two days later, here were t

la says, bending down and giving them her best smile.

truggling up the drive with a big bag fu


d on her shoulder, staring at something on his phone. I have to go into the office,” he says.


he house and planning his exit. “A border disturbance – nothing big – but th


n to see a twin; she doesn’t know which one.


tchen is a mess. The cook had gone a little overboard buying materials for an ice cream sundae bar. Now, Amelia was pretty sure that every single ingredient was spread, smeared, or s

r, she thought, cook’s me

ys, clearly clever. If she had sons, she’d want them to have the same qualities.

east, not anytime soon.

knows two things in this world: that she lov

of course, but Amelia was still dedicated. She loved him and more importantly, she can sway Victor to get what she wants.

n’t tell Victor

pouring chocolate syrup directly into his hands and i

y guy,” Amelia says absently, pulling out her pho

he is busy,” Alvin says, fishing a red cherry from the bottom of the jar. “But he is not too busy for mama, thank goodness.”

Amelia paus

they talk on the phone for hours.” He rolls his eyes “It is so boring.”

“Hey,” Alvin says, hopping down from the counter and coming close to her. Amelia flinches away from him, not eag

m out.

!” says Ian. “The only

our eyes,”

tle, pleased that he’s noticed.

ch mama’s.”

tle –“

the door, a pizza in his hands. “Daddy!” shouts one, and “Papa!” the other. The boys rush to their dad, who blocks them with the pizza. “Whoa, whoa! You guys are covered in syrup –

just love

his boys. “Amazing.” Victor comes into the kitchen. “Thank you, Amelia,” he says, giving her a kiss. “This means everything to me.”

ds out a smile. “Anything

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