Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins – Chapter 182

Inside the house, Ian, Emma, and Delia jump when they hear the sound of the bombs.

Mrs. Walsh just sits still. It’s a sound she’s heard before, one she was expecting.

“Wha-” Ian says, his mouth open and his head turned towards the windows, wishing, desperately, that he could see out. “What was that?”

head resting back against the fabric, exhausted. “That is the sound of the battle beginning.”

bsolutely restless until he feels that he’s at the center of it all, helping his side.

s can’t seriously be what you want for your pack, for its future.”

sh turns her face away, as she did before.

to anything that Emma had to say.

t her fight. Eventually, Emma had given up and went to sit with Delia. They had sat in silen


e welcomes him

uch? Why does he want to kill him?”

he looks down at her grandson. He’s clever enough, she knows, to realize that the two forces going at each other outside are, indeed, his father and his grandfather. So she can

control. Of his pack.”

ng up at her. “Why?”


people are going to get hurt, even die. When these packs are going to unite anywa

n front of her for a long, quiet moment.

, baby,” she says softly, strokin

s against his skin and his eyes as he blinks, surveying the damage done to his enemies. But his scientists had been perfect in their calculations.

s lay writhing on the ground, screaming, their hands going to their faces, their eyes, their backs arching in agony as

w a single man among them that wouldn’t trade three days of pain for a swift death, which was the other option.

have fallen, writhing in agony themselves – likely those who hadn’t turned before the wind had carried the wolfsbane amongst them – but the vast majority of them stand strong.

ed now. With the majority of Walsh and Willard’s forces o

nd shouts, commanding his army to charge.

y hurtle towards their foes.

e their allies, who would be again, if Victor’s campaign is successful.

hat the odds are in his favor.

ill have something up his sleeve, and Victor is on the lookout for it, prepared for it.

le around under a flurry of orders.

em in plain sight –

climbing the steps of the watchtower, Victor notes a flash of blu


his trump card. Right now.

tic runs over the field and then the sharp piercing noise of an amplifier being attached to a microphone. Several of Victor’s Betas wince but they do

receiving no contrary order, his troops surge forward.

she falls!”


– the shape of her, the curl of her hair – he would recognize his Luna anywhere –

g the life of his daughter as a battlefield ploy.

proceeded further until the command reached them.

the field, the voice begins again.


lsh’s own. He wasn’t sure if Walsh would himself be on the field, as he was, or if he’d be giving orders from the background. Now he knows precisely where he is and is glad of the information.

or makes no move.

“Or she falls.”

seeking balance.

hinks, grinding his teeth.


gst the silence and the stillness of his Beta forces, Victor takes a

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