Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins – Chapter 185

Walsh’s voice crackles over the amplifier. “Move!” He commands, his voice failing to persuade his Betas. “Forward, troops!”

Walsh’s troops grimace, but they hold their position of surrender. Some gunfire explodes from the watch tower at Victor’s troops but they shield against it expertly and hold their stance, their guns still aimed at their apparent enemy kneeling before them.

A very small, specialized group of Victor’s own Betas begin to fire on the watch tower now, drawing Walsh’s attention and fire away from the mass of Victor’s forces, giving Victor a moment to think.

Joyce is gone – no one knows where.”

e would bet his life, right now, that she knows preci

the original deal was a cheat,” he hesitates and then grins, “I think you can take them back.”

lder, connecting to all of the megaphones on the vehicles behind him instead of to the radios on his commanders’ shoulders.

allegiance known.”

ington army, not to Walsh.

t help the thrill that races through

in the country. He’s unstoppable.

And Walsh?

rying out over the field. The Betas formerly under Walsh’s control turn then, facing the barracks.

says, his voice cold and full of power.

ington pack.

ext few hours move quickly.

ands of his Beta medics and moves forward with his troops, working hard to sweep th

ere still a few pockets of resistance, notably at an un-exploded armory where they had entrenched. Victor let two of his Beta captains handle that fight while he turned his own attention to the watch tower.

out a fight.

to the top of the secured tower, his heart in his throat.

was greeted with grave Beta faces.

. “Walsh and Evelyn – they’re gone.” He gestures, then, to the one prize still remaining –

blood from a deep cut.

bitious upstart who had sided with a greedy old Alpha who had nothing to offer but an ancient name.

ictor’s attention. But Victor starts down the stairs, ignoring him.

e important things to concentrate on.

are ready to report.

s. They went west,” he says, gesturing towards the hill over which Walsh’s house stands.

by now, then Victor assumed that they had escaped.

him?” he asks, h

or looks at him and nods,

ng they have to draw you forward.”

ys from behind.

ee Rafe standing there, looking pale, his arm in a sling.

hould be resting –“

he hears his brother’s words.

he assigned to take care of his son.

him to control himself

yn, he knew, had been taken –

tect –

ing to keep his brother’s attention. “Alvin ran from them –“

t?!” Victor says, shocked

unning high, but he has to tell him the whole story before Victor goes storming off after his family.

s, eager to get moving.

r, Alvin used Alpha compulsion on the Betas h

aw drops at t

n – he was just a

Betas, especially ones not sworn to him, but instead to his father –

ossible –

arms and looking Victor over. “If he hadn’t…you may have been killed, Victor. And I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to cross

? Had saved the day? Or had he just been desperate, seeing his father in danger?

hey might just be military geniuses.”

eta captains standing nearby. They hurry over.

mall Beta team, twenty of our best,” Victor commands. “Take whoever volunteers, whoever doesn’t need to be healed o

The captain salu

se as soon as possible – no gaps, full blockage of all power, communication, water, resources coming in and out. But before that?”


, determined. “I’m getting my family out.”

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