Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins – Chapter 20

“Victor, it’s too much.” These were my first words upon walking up the path to what Victor calls The Cottage, the “little” eight-room house situated directly behind his, separated only by a small grove of trees.

Accepting this home went against all of my instincts for self-preservation, self-sufficiency, all of my pride at taking care of myself. But one look at Ian and Alvin, their joy at the house, their proximity to their father, their safety within its walls…I can’t deny that it’s the right choice.

Victor watched me realize this, smirking. I smacked his arm, fighting my own smile and admitting, internally, that this is a battle he won. “Thank you,” I said, softly.

ours,” he said

ed. “We will rent. I have the money. I’ll p

this, consenting. Then it will be a gift to them from both of their parents.

king him again in the arm, “they

ossing me the keys, walking through the back door towards his own property.

ng their flags.

ck Pride, the annual day when wolf packs come together in cities across the country to celebrate their lineage, their

etermined to e

itterly. There had been a big fight, the day Victor told her he had moved his ex into the shed in the back yard.

nces. It was a slippery slope. Amelia had to find a way to get leverage, fast.

wn on his face.

from her leg, where he is wrinkling her skirt. She likes this one better than t

s arm.

hem to miss it.”

music, but really, she follows every step of Beta Frank and the boys as they work their way along to the food stalls.

cking Beta Frank over the head, the other snatching the boys. The men work with minimum fuss and no disturbance t

’s rivals here, pretending to get along, at whom she could subtly point the finger. Amelia smiles, confident that all will go well.

ng the drink and smiling up at her beautiful, strong mate.

d a good time with her handsome Alpha. Kids were definitely in their future – she had no doubts there – but not now, they had ple

if she had to move up the baby timeline a little bit to appease him…

g close.

ods enthusiastically. For the first time in weeks, it’s not a lie.

looking around for them.

stalls. “They went to get a snack, with that Beta. The little one.”

. His Betas are well-trained and would die fo

ange and black or any sign of her boys.

I’ve been through a lot, these past weeks, she thinks as she heads toward the stands. I deserve to enjoy Pack Pride day, too.

familiar shriek that chills her to her bones. Evelyn’s head snaps and she sta

to the crowds.

, who follows him as he heads towards the pack.

a Frank. It’s been five minutes. He’s supposed to check in every two. We know he could be distracted with the boys, but –“

hat the Betas form a search party – NOW.

top smeared with dirt and blood – carrying one little boy on her hip, another walking by her side, his hand in hers. One boy has a bloody n

ne of her face. “Victor – someone took them – they barely got away – if I hadn’t been close –“

She crushes her plastic cup in her hand, the liquid dripping onto her skirt.

them and I –“

tell me all about it, but first, we’re getting you home.”

shouts, panicked.

r. “The bad man who took us – he smelled just like her,” Alvin says, snarling. Victor continues to stare at A

n, shocked, turns to Ian for confirm

, very decided step closer to Victor. To Amelia, her meaning is perfectly clear.

elyn’s eyes, accepting the challenge. Then, she hurls her cup to the ground, flying

over her face. “Are they okay?!”

ce he left, wrapping herself around Victor, claiming him. “I feel horrible, Victor – I’m so sorry – I love them so much –“ she turns teary eyes up to her mate. “If anything ever happened to them, Victor –“

and figure it out,” Victor says, patting her on the back a

to let this b***h take him from her.

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