Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins – Chapter 201

A few hours later, wrapped in our coziest robes, Victor and I step out of our room.

As soon as we walk out, I can hear the noise of our boys downstairs, laughing and talking as they have their breakfast.

I clutch my robe tightly around my neck as I hear them and look up at Victor, a huge smile breaking out on my face. God, it’s good to hear them laugh.


the stairs, we hear everyone go silent.

slipper appear on the step above mine, we hear a collective gasp.

ut burst into laughter.

at the bottom of the stairs.

up the stairs towards us but Victor p

better yet, okay? Go easy on us.”

the stairs, unable to take my eyes off of them. So precious to me, these two little things.

up the stairs. Alvin takes my hand, helping me balance, my little gentleman. Ian goes up a step beyond me, he

away from my boys to look at Rafe, who is sitting at the table, pale as a ghost.

ind him.

is eyes moving to the pan. “Burton, would you…”

running to the pan to contain the burning food.

his gaze following us as Ian and Alvin lead us to seats

as Victor and I sit down. I don’t wanting to have this conversation in front of my sons. “Do you know what I would


below my chin. “Just go look. I really want to see the news today.”

he and Ian bolt to the front door, slipping on their boots and grabbing their jackets to check the driveway.

ly. “Do we…subscribe to the newspaper?”


eeing, and then he looks at his brother as well.

you are. Good as new.”

shining eyes.

as if he might be seeing a mirage. “But, you know, not dead. Or anywhere near it. What the hell happened?”

arting to get impatient.

t trying to be cryptic. I don’t really know what happened, what I did

ecret. Just between us.

s. Nursed him through the night, and whatever it was tha

er what happened between us.

really, would…it just wouldn’t make sense.

lk away,” Rafe says, dubiously. “Sometime around dawn.”

Yup,” Victor says, smirking at his brother and raising his glass of orange juice to his lips. I watch him drink, thrilled to see it. He hasn’t had anything except water a

for one, feel as if I

ulder with a stack of pancakes. “Madame,” he says gently, placing them in front of me.

still shining.

, so softly that perhaps only I hear him.

ally just say that? Or did he put the words in my mind, like it happened last night in the dream state?

Burton places a stack of pancakes in front of Victor, I quickly look at both him and Rafe.

into the house. “Don’t let them know – how…how bad it was. Last night. It’s not information that they need.”

urton in the eyes, worried, but they both nod, agreeing to my terms.

ould haunt them perhaps their entire lives. It’s better to let them think it was a mere illness that passed within a few days.

ell them. But for now…

bursting through the door and

rowning back and pretendin

holding out the fistful of flowers that he picked for me.

d these,” he says, giving me a smile both proud

aby,” I say, running my hand over his soft hair. “These are the first flowers of spring. They represent a whole new season.”

then turns to the pancakes waiting for him.


my napkin to my mouth as my chest finally settles down.

that it’s speckled red with blood.

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