Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins – Chapter 204

Closing his eyes, Victor takes a deep breath as he settles back into the chair at the little makeshift desk in the living room – the same makeshift command room that he and Alvin had set up before going away to war on Walsh.

God damnit, how long ago had that been, when his son had helped him organize his papers? When Evelyn and Ian had been horribly gone, and he had wondered if he would ever give them back?

Victor shakes his head, working to dismiss the memories, but they’re persistent. So he leans his head back on the chair and works to take a few cleansing breaths, clearing his mind.


he could move worlds, had felt so happy and revived.

little sleep.


and kisses and pats and passing touches to fill her weary heart.

as he realizes this. Evelyn hadn’t left his side for days – for more than a week. The boys had bee

ice to pull him through.

d she had left them to be by his side.

st night…what she had taken on, half of hi


n band.

ad broadcasted his thoughts to Evelyn in that moment – he’d have to be more careful.

ugh even in the darkest moments of his life. She turns her attention back to the boys, that smirk still on her lips.

st how grateful he was.

nd will spend the rest of his life trying to give her everything she could ever want.

nough to do it.

ht at the desk, then, turning away from the macabre thought. There’s work to be done, no matter how tired he is. Rafe strides through the front door in that moment and Victor is glad to see him. Rafe’s appearance means news an

close, one leg draped over the arm.

brother, not in a million years, so don’t hold your breath on th

“I’m fin

etting out of hand, and she wants some clarity from you about how to proceed.”

at to tell the press and when – buy Victor a bit more time.

sessing their contents.

ng from this,” Victor says after a few more moments of contemplation, “is that we have…absolutely no idea where Am

side and nods ruefully. “She’s had time, Victor. Our forces were distracted – we left almost no one assigned to these alternate projects while

ake us go to war with them in order to achieve justice for what she’s done to my pack and my home.”

rother and shrugs ruefully. “Honestly, should we get Burton on the case?” He shoots a glance at the butler, studiously washing dishes in the kitchen. “He seems to b

back to the paperwork and frowning. “Turn as much of our forces towards finding her as we can, while Evelyn and I are away followin

he search and begin as soon as you l

papers down.

ods again. “All set. They’re taking the RV out of storage; they’ll have it

with everything with the pack –

t be closer to his brother, able to trust him again –

. Between them, as brothers, they’re solid – but something is bothering Rafe. Victor can see it, knows it in his bones. He c***s his head to the side, wondering –

opened without Victor having to call to anyone to come in.

king in. “Mrs. Prath.”

jacket as he does. Annabeth enters then, an eager smile on her face.

up. “Surprised by the company you keep as well. The last I heard, this one was trying to steal your pack.”

a warm smile. “Please, come in.”

ou to two it,” Rafe says, pushing up from his chair and giving Annabeth a smile. Then, he goes into the kitchen, seeking a snack while Victor and Annabeth have a little chat about how they will mutually control the fu

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