Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins – Chapter 284

“A castle, mama?” Alvin asks a few hours later, sitting on the kitchen table and combing through some of the plans I’ve sketched out on scrap paper with crayons I’ve borrowed from my boys. “To live in?”

“Well,” I say, leaning back and considering. “Maybe castle isn’t the right word. But palace is too fancy. And ‘big house’ is…too small.”

“Can we make it from gingerbread?” Ian asks, coming over to us with a pack of graham crackers that he opens and spills out on the table, starting to stack them so that they held each other up, like the walls of a house of cards. “Like this?”

think that baked good

ands up straight and


aham crackers himself. “They’d never run out of food. And we have to think about Pinky and Bluey in the move – it will be hard on them, l

ringing the mice!” V

s voice taking on the same tone. I start to smirk

It’s fine.”

le at me and don’t say a word, not wanting to give

from the living room. “It’s too quiet in here,” he says, narrowing his eyes at us

, giving him a salute that just makes him groan as he walks away again.

ere the old big house was?”

is going to be really really big.”

s and asks “why?”

t is cool,” I say to Ian, and then turn to answer Alvin. “Because mommy wants to h

ell to the rain…”

e, “it’s an expression. It means that I don’t want to make compromises, so I’m going to find a solution that gives me all the things I want without having to give anything up.”


es I want to play. “Your dad and I want to take very good care of you, and we want to be an Alpha and a Luna that can help other people as well. And usually people have a house where they are at home, and a work where they go to conduct their business. But because we both want to spend all of our time being both things, I’m going to build a house that is both a house and a place of work!”

eapons stuff,” I say, a little hazy on the details because…well, that’s not my area of expertise, is it? I see Ian’s face light up at this.

Beta training? And helicopters?”

at, and then meeting rooms for your dad to do business with all of the other packs and the councils, and a ballroom for p

osses his arms as he stares. “I don’t know, mom,” he says quietly, “it looks too big. Why can’t we just stay in the cottage?”

each of you –“

at, turning to me, betrayed.

ween them.


e things I want without having to give anything up.”

ughing. “Well, I’m glad you like that now, but you might change your mind

head vehemently. “We will never want separate bedrooms! Absolutely not!”

s. “Then you two can just have one gigantic room!”

moment, communicating silently, and then Alvin nods seriously. “This is acceptable.”

I coo, laughing a little to myself. “I’m glad we could come to this

ks, pointing to the more palatial aspects of my plans. “We didn’t need it before, when dad had the big house with Amelia. Why do we need it now?”

– it’s…a little bit bigger than the life he had planned with Amelia. With more opportunity to do good, but more responsibility.” I bite my lip, hoping they understand.

racker, taking a happy bite. “You mean as the Supreme?”

as if it’s no big deal.

disbelieving. “How did you know about that?”

e millionth time, mom,” Ian says, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes at me. “We have the internet. People

lies with his mouth full. “It’s

ween the living room and the kitchen, smiling at the three of us. I wonder how long he’s been there and how much he’s heard. “Looks l

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