Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins – Chapter 288

I groan as I walk across the yard, a hand underneath my belly to support it. I can’t believe they weigh this much already, these little girls. It’s only been three months since the boys’ birthday, but I feel like I’m already gigantic. They must be making me sleepwalk down to the kitchen at night, making me pig out on ice cream or something, considering how much weight I’ve gained in my belly alone.

I sigh, stopping a minute and looking back at the cottage, wondering if I should go back and get one of the Betas to drive me to the new house instead of walking. But then I glance through the woods towards the big house and realize that they’re both pretty much the same distance away. May as well keep going, even though every step makes my poor swollen ankles hurt.

“Three more months,” I murmur, sighing and setting out again. “Three more months, and then I get my body back…”

my girls growing inside of me, feeling them kick and move around. It’s a joy, all of it.

so much else on my plate.

ing all over it. I smile to see it coming together, grateful that Victor was able to mobilize his forces and his connections so quickly to get all of this done.

l of the pack leaders gathering for the vote? He spends so much of his day in meetings, or strategizing with his team. So

o my best to fix it or ensure that Victor gets the word at the end of the day so he can solve the problem.

nd, considering that I’m gett

hrough the little woods. It’s all just…very ex


’m supposed to get exercise – and it’s just a little distance –“

ly as we walk together to the house.

at the scaffolding on the front. “Are we on track to make it look pretty for Saturday?”

d at me.

I say, gesturing towards the gardens that I know are built out on the other side of the house, overlooking the incredible view. Beth rolls her eyes at me again, laughing at my wide grin.

want simplicity. Good friends, good food, at my own house. Comfortable shoes. What more could someone six months pregnant with twins want?

le bit of an issue with the roof,” Beth says as we approach the front of the house, gesturing upwards. “Only half of the materials that we ordered were delivered.”

oof is…kind of important. What can we do about it?”

signed for it without checking, and so it’s going to be hell trying to convince them to bring half the materials again when all of their paperwork says they were delivered.”

ds into the house, on to her next task.

e supplier to deliver the materials again. I sigh, turning the phone off and then turning to

o familiar in my first trimester, but which I hadn’t felt as much in my second.

mouth. “Oh goodness, I’m gonna –“

for any more words – as fast as I can, I dash to the base of a nearby tree, wanting something to lean on as I hurl up my breakfast. I barely make I ther

s warm hand on my back. I look up at my mate, my eyes apologetic.


wo days before their wedding. It doesn’t scream ‘god, I must tie myself to that woman, forever,’ does it?”

o pretend it’s your most enticing moment, Evelyn,” he sighs, giving me a little squeeze. “But I think the fact that you’ve given me two beautiful children, and are about to give me two more, kind of wipes it out. Is that all this is?” he asks, curious. “Morning sick

I say, nodding an


house. “Contractors.”

ening my shoulders and looking towa

ow something is wrong. My head spins, a little, and my knees suddenly go out –

ut luckily Victor is instantly there.

s he carries me, working on taking deep breaths, a hand on my stomach as I hope to the depths of me that everything is okay.

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