Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins – Chapter 294

The rest of our wedding is an absolute dream. Victor stays by my side throughout the entire thing, apparently unwilling to let me out of his sight or stop touching me for a moment as we make our way around to all of our guests, saying hello. The boys run around like mad things with the collection of Annabeth’s children and nieces who also attend, their laughter a beautiful music to which we all dance.

“So,” my mother says, smiling at both of us, “are you going to have a honeymoon?”

I laugh, leaning back against Victor and shake my head. “Honeymoon?” I say. “Honestly, mom, it sounds amazing, but I don’t know when we’ll have the time,” I answer, rubbing a hand over my pregnant stomach.

ese moments are important. You should make space for them.” And then, with another little smile, she moves off to the desert table to get herself a slice of cake.


make it special.”

der, thinking on it earnestly. “Delia and Emma’s postcards from Prague made it look incredibly wonderful

ys, shaking his head soun

, stealing a kiss. “You’re right. It’s a deal.”

eagerly, his eyes wide.

ctor in tow.

few hours into the dancing, a plea in my eyes, and he nods once, taking my hand and slowly leading me away. We don’t say goodbye to anyone, though I nod to Burton to let h

our wedding night.


aited long enough to do make it official –“

even years,” I say, nodding

he shrugs, “I think refer

ay deadpan, slowly nodding my head.

he concludes, stepping closer to me and putting his arm around my waist. “Unless you really

say, grinning up at

wn at me. I put my arm around his w

. “We’ve got a big day coming tomorrow as well,” I say quietly, not wanting to change the subject but…well, wanting to talk about it. This wedding, after all, was not merely a romantic occasion – though it was that, deeply.

is pack. We had a very small group of family and friends at our wedding, wanting to keep it tight, but we also filled out the guest list with leading members of powerful packs. Precisely the people whose votes Victor needs to be made Supreme.

from the night before and ready to be persuaded to vote the way we want them to.

sigh. “But not as big as this.”

ig,” I say, turning to him. “Just…the

ifth bigge

upt, laughing.

holding up a finger that begs

ghing down at me. “So, that will be fifth b

ou skipped from three to five. What’s fourth?”

mination in your eyes. The day I lost my heart for good. Maybe my soul, too.”

for a lifetime of being contradicted. But hey, you knew what you were getting into.” And then I kiss my husband, my mate, my alpha, and let him

quietly out of bed so that he doesn’t wake me.

tually been awake for hours feeling…well. Victor doesn’t need to know how I’m feeling. He’s got a big day today, and I can’t do anything to distract from that. Instead, I decide to do everything I can to pretend that everything is totally normal. At least until he’s out of the house.

lly, whipping a pillow at him and pretending to be mad. “Waking me! When I need my be

nd watching him sort through his clothes. “I already did. You think this is a pregnancy? This is just my beer belly,” I say, slapping a hand loudly

like you just like that. I’ll bring you more beer for breakfast, you don’t have to hide your drinking anymore.”

bly for his meeting and then comes to give me a kiss goodbye.

him with a smile, my lips against his.

or a moment. “I’ll call you if…”


hen I accept.”

say, giving him a happy little grin.

and dial Bridgette’s number.

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