Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins – Chapter 36

“That’s your dog,” I say, my fingers pressed against my temple as the puppy whines in the back seat. The boys fuss over him, fighting over names.

“We are going to call him Lucky,” says Alvin.

“No. Slug!,” says Ian, laughing.

ys. “He has to live his whole life with that name.”

king, “Then why do you care?”

aining to your constituents why their First Dog’s name is Slug.”

n cheers and Ian moans.

e dog stays with you, in your house.”

saying they were wrecking your house.”

st first-night jitters. We fi



me with wide eyes. But also, not my problem.

ding by the kitchen island reading a note.

k, moving to the fridge to grab a cold bottle of water.

f into the distance.

tudying his face. He’s suddenly glum after being so cheerful all day. “Is everyth

nds. Says she needs to ‘get some space.’”

for the arrival of the puppy. Might have sent her overboard.”

he boys, and then head home.” As I make my way to the living room, Victor takes his phone out of his pocket.

y here for supper and play with the puppy?”

on the floor between them.

ys, drawing a string in front of the dog, trying to get him to play.

s, “Merlin.”

more minutes before sneaking out. As I go, I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I ch

ting. He says you didn’t pick up. Would you be available for a call?

I think, and hurriedly reply.

ugh the safe line.


ll right, Victor?” I ask, stowi

” he says, running a worried ha

e don’t let Ian name it L

r quirks an

d wave as I

s cell. It rings several times before he picks up.

u have a moment to chat now?”


” I murmur, settling i

for the day with my children.”

I say. “Can you tell

needing a break. I’m worried that if she can’t handle this chaos,” he hesitates, “that…well, that she’s not going to be willing to add more to the chaos, in terms of another child.”

y phone’s chord around my fingers. “This

ment of thought.


s own Alpha desires.

his relationship, with different wants and needs. It sounds to me like every time she tries to express what she wants, you punish her and demand that she adhere to your terms.”

our way or the highway,’ as the saying goes? I wonder how your rela

hat we were going to start a family. It seems like more a

and let her know you hope she’s having fun, send some flowers and wine to the hotel at which she’s staying. Show her you also prioritize her selfcare.”

that she has to go to Europe for a break, you’re out the cost of flowers and champagne. Also, probably the flight, the hotel, dinners….or, did she

keep trying to talk to her about your mutual goals. But I am saying that punishing her for taking some time and space isn’t going to have the desired effect.”


in, continue to try to develop a vision

that Victor is not laughing on the other end of the call.

eing hyperbolic – there’s so much you can –“

s, sternly interrupting. “Thank you for this. I’ll send the flowers, as you suggest. But you’ve given me a lot to think about.”

on. s**t. Have I pushed it too far?

e trash TV, trying to ignore the quiet of the house. The boys called earlier, begging to stay at Victor’s for the night so that they c

t let them stay up a

ctor says, all control. “They’ll get sleep. I’

for them. We have so much to do tomorrow, and if they don’t sleep…

scratching at my door.

of course – the little puppy.

t ran up on the porch and started scratching at your door before I could stop

e,” I say, looking at the sad, scared little puppy, with his big brown eyes

take him back to the big house,

ing out my hands. “Give him here. He misses his mother, and he’s not going to get anything close t

s the dog over to me. I give him a grateful smile and head back to the


ndering, wondering about the boys sleeping in their bunk beds, about Victor, in his office, working late. Surely, they’ll notice the puppy is missing soon. Victor will probably be down here in a few minutes, looking for him.

tube of my favorite red lip gloss. I quickly apply it, pursi

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