Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins – Chapter 51

As I tuck the boys into their beds, the television in their room set to stream a Disney Channel show for the next couple of hours, I hear the phone in my closet ring.

“Do you have another secret call, Mama?” Ian asks, his eyes fastened to the screen as he asks.


bright colors, “the one in your closet.”

ught I could keep anything from them.

one continues

for work. I want you to keep away from the secret phone, okay? It’s secret for a reason. It’s our secret. So don’t tell anyone, not even Edgar or Daddy or Amelia.”

hide “daddy” between two other innocuous persons – Edga

roblem solved for now, I pull their door closed behind me and hurry into my room and then my closet.

unexpected attention. I apologize.”


little bit in my chest. What? I thought things were going well after the camping trip. At least on my end, everything is pretty smooth.


trayed me recently. Very badly.”

an uninvolved therapist. “I’m very sorry to hear that. Can you tell me more?”

rite. She tried to persuade me that what she did was the right thing.”


rked so hard to build.”

ity, but can you tell me more? Does your fiancé’s plan affect your work, your finances? Your situation with your children?”

hip with my children.”


to her meddling, is that I’m going to have to move up the event of my sons’ claiming, marking them as my heirs and as part of my pack before I had planned to.”

res if it happens tomorrow or months from now, as long as they are safe?

, as something else.”

much planning and preparation. That’s not the issue. The problem is that my fiancé went behind my back to speak with another Alpha, giving him a significan

at was Amelia thinking? “That’s shocking,” I say, “considering everything you’ve told me so far about your partner. She must have had strong feelings, in order to circumvent your control in that way.”

lingness to cede control to the vision that I have for our lives.”

emind him that it is their life – but he interrupts me.

e going to say – that she has equal right to plan

, my voice full of disbelief, my

in this situation. I change tactics. “That is a very significant betrayal,” I say more evenly. “How did you react?”

future children as my heirs. Not my current sons.”

l this time – fireside sisters my a*s. She’s a snake.

hey’d have fewer privileges, but also more freedom to pursue their own goals.

ver speak to him again.

” I continue, “from what you’ve said already about moving up the ceremony, that you disagree with your fiancé – that you plan to acknowledge the boys. So that’s that settled. But what do you plan to do about your partner?”

ammed his fist against something. That would be very Victor. “She has betrayed me – the kind of action that I would accept from no one. But she is my mate, and if what she says about wanting to defend her future children’s rights is true…I can see some logic in that.”

possible,” I say, my heart steely. “That this is merely a tactic.”

time, about seeking freedom. In return, she has not given you the same consideration.”

it over.

going to another Alpha to put her plans in motion?”


tinue, decisive, “I wouldn’t trust her.”

m. Therapist-me might quibble, but Evelyn has taken over the conversation now.

e?” I ask.

proach of my boys’ maternal grandfather was absolutely out of line –“

, the breath leaves my body. It feels almost as if my blood has turned to ice, frozen in my veins. For a moment, I swear my heart stops, my mind swims

John Walsh.

nterrupt him. “Wha…what? Their grandfather?”

sick to my stomach, my breath coming fast. The phone slips from my hand, clattering to the ground.

earpiece. “Hello, are you there?”

aking as I pick up the handset. “I’m very suddenly ill. I need to go.” With that, I slowly place the receiver back

will do everything in his power to take them from me.

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