Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins – Chapter 90

“Oh, you poor baby!” I croon, taking a step forward and taking Rafe’s face in my hands, angling it to study his cheek. “I’m so sorry, I was so eager to get that horse fly off your face that I must have swung too hard.”

I speak loudly enough that the people nearest us can hear, my face a mask of motherly concern. But my heart is still steel, and full of hatred for this horrible man.

Rafe smirks at me, nodding his head in concession. I’ve won this one. What’s his option at this moment besides going along with me? He’s certainly not going to cry like a baby, telling everyone that I smacked him.

e looks to everyone else like brotherly affection, but he grips my wrist harder than he needs to.

ly façade and pull away from him. With a withering glare, I rip my wrist from his hand and turn away, looking for my sons.

encounter with Rafe. Thank god Victor’s mother warned me; if that had come completely out of the blue, I don’t know

ad their way.

ered around the man in the wheel chair, moving behind Victor. I tug at his sleeve lightly to let him know I’

in front of their grandfather. He speaks to them with a stern expression, but I can tell by the light in his eyes that he – like everyone else – is quite taken with my clever, handsome boys. I fold my hands t

tassels of which fall almost to the shiny shoes which sit on the footrests of his wheelchair.

of course, of the car accident that took Henry Kensington’s ability to wal

ade him do it – there was no reason he couldn’t lead his pack from his chair. But Henry ref

d be theirs for the taking.

f the most technologically advanced and powerful packs in the nation.

chnologically advanced and powerful packs in the nation.

allenge which he himself had declined. If he was anything like my father, that’s exactly what he would feel.

oys now, up at his wife, who stands at his side. “Take these boys to get something to eat, they’re hungry.” Victor’s mother nods and


who is responsible for those boys.”

d holding out my hand. “Evelyn Ortega, sir. It is a pleasure to mee

gaze to Victor’s face. “Why is she here, Victor?”

frowns, realizing the same. “She is my honored guest, father. As the mother of my two sons –“

flick over me again, “and perhaps she still does. But that’s no reason to keep her around.” He sneers, and then continues. “A man painted my house the other day, but you don’t see me inviting him here.”

mother, her presence here –“

e in the eyes as he snarls, “she doesn’t need to see your trash.”

y, my sons will inherit this pack.” I lean forward, baring my teeth as I whisper my final words to him. “And I will ensure that tonight is the only memory they have of you. I hope that you said goodbye, because you will never see them again.”

elia would rather die than serve macaroni at her rehearsal dinner.

eir table and pick up their plates.

or his. “I’m not finished!”

ake someone to fall if I threw them off it.”

ankfully, lost on them.

ke more time with my only grandchildren.”

he nods, working to keep the sadness from her face


mall smile.

re at him.

cash producing Kensington pups, I’m what they call…well endowed.” With that, he gives me a nasty, leering smirk.

n response. Instead, I twist my wrist and slam a

e – and everyone else at the party – is watching me as I go. I hold my h

tep in. “Mama, where’d my plate go?” Alvin whines.

rry, we’ll call down to room service and get you another.”

s over and I can leave Victor’s world for good. The end can’t come fast enough.

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