Promised To The Alpha Twins – Chapter 103

“How are we supposed to come up with an escape plan an hour before our final meeting?” I hissed once we were all within the confines of our suite.

“Darling, my parents and I have been thinking of an escape plan for at least a week.” Ethan chuckled, crossing his muscular arms over his chest. “Ever since we found out the High Council wanted to meet you, we started planning. Axel and Thomas have been helping too. I’m sure they’ve come up with something by now.”

Liam was tossed onto the sectional, sporadic fluttering of his eyelashes being the only sign that the sedative’s effects were wearing off. All eyes turned to Liam as a hoarse murmur escaped his lips. Aly was by his side in seconds, checking him over in a way she had done three times before.

id, her words reassuring.

him from his position on the High Council.

ur little fantasy were attainable.'” Ethan’s thoughts merged with mine, and I blushed at the laught

interrupted when the door to our suite swung wide open.

ed eyes. The door was locked, but they had their own key to get in. It made it safer to have constant access

zed relief.

r from rushing forward to embrace the son she believed she had lost.

eak, it was me she spoke to.

trusting them enough to know my words would never leave the room.

s. I believe… I believe he knows you’ve rescued my son.”

er emanating from Axel.

lowly once our eyes met. The corners of his lips twitched a bit as he continued. “You do know I have a partner too, right? I’m very aware of the lengths one would go to for that person.”

that, but I felt a bit uncomfortable as a strange feeling shot through me. Axel would never win Father of the Year, but he had left his partner and daughter to come help me. Even if it was for selfish reasons, he had stuck around with me until now.

lities to live an ordinary life,” he turned his gaze to Ethan, “I hope you’ll protect her at all costs, but I’m relieved to see that your brother is alive.”

were spoken, the tiniest spark of respect lit up in Ethan’s eyes.

plush carpet, and my hands came up to cradle the sides of his face. His beard brushed against my palms, and his eyes fluttered as he whispered my name over and over again.

an my fingers through his hair. “We can’t leave yet, not just yet.”

een moved up, Sussan,” Thomas said, frowning as I t

g everyone, possibly trying to flush us out.” Ethan grimaced, giving his unconscious brother a long look. His voice was hard and flat. “It’s not safe leaving him her

hoever was on the other side of the line knocked once, then twice, and then continued in a rapid succession of knocks that sounded almost like a tune.

ed look on his face. “It’s a girl, her hair is… green?”

pushing back a few strands of her green hair from her forehead, she raised an eyebrow at all of us.

rug-addicted kidnapped Alpha. Think about that next time you make me wait in the hallway for eons.”

eeping form.

that she gave back threefold.

all day, or am I going to have someone to talk to?”

pletely clueless about what she was trying to say.

today. “Nicolas asked if I could babysit your hunky companion while he’s drugged up, so you can figure out if the

us a note?”

he answered, looking as concerned as I was.

came here to do.” Lucy insisted, already starting to untangle her seemingly indestructible headphones. “Besides, it’s not l

on you’re particularly snarky today?” Aly asked, just as bold as Lucy. There was no malice in Aly’s e

om of a food cart? Food. Old, gross food.”

if I was reluctant to fully trust him.

legitimately concerned for her son.

y turned and looked at me, clearly expecting my answer. I didn’t exactly trust Lucy, and I think she knew that, but I also wouldn’t gain anything by hurting Ethan. We of our kind were being enslaved, used as weapons by cruel Alphas with severe superiority complexes. They could sit behind their walls and watch from their thrones as wars were fought and won with the blood of many. Though we didn’t trust each other, we knew without a doubt that we were o

ping she could see the trust in my eyes.


ad left Liam a note, pinned to the coffee table a


up. Things have been a mess without you, and when things finally settle down, the three of us will take some time off. I need to get over the fear of losing you, just like I’m sure you have some things to sort out too. It’s better for you to stay in the room while we



Harper needed to go, along with their illegal operations.

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