Promised To The Alpha Twins – Chapter 115

I didn’t know which pain was more unbearable: whether it was the feeling of all the bones in my back and chest shattered, the knowledge that the twins were in the same situation, and their protests, anger, and turmoil echoed in my head with the desperation of a beast cornered by fire, or Mel’s betrayal, the one who had put us in this situation, with only a gray and uncertain future ahead.

Despite the extreme physical pain, my head was consumed by one thing: Why, Mel? Why?

My eyes conveyed a blurry vision of what was happening around me. The fog, thick and high until a moment ago, began to give way to the powerful arrival of sunlight, which filtered forcefully through the dense branches of the forest in which it seemed our fate would be sealed.

been just as incapacitated as us, a human with all his bones broken, guarded by immense beasts that covered him with the breath of their half-opened jaws.

years of trust and who knows how many dangers faced together. Although it wasn’t a romantic relationship, despite there not seeming to be a bond between them like the one I had with the twins, it was evident that the two of them were inseparable. So…

Why, Mel?


only handed me and the twins over to David Zoe’s men but even more importantly: why she was betraying Tony in this manner, what could justify her actions.

ild. She placed it on her lap and looked at him with some tenderness, but above all, with

of anger, disappointment, and rage, but above all, by sadness. The mere thought that someone so close could betray you like this was painful enough to want to die on the spot.

t, a question escaped Tony’s li


lose? How? Why?

ged in Tony’s expression. His sadness gave way to something else, and he gave in to anger.

ught those would be his last words because a large spurt of blood burst from his shattered lungs. But I think it was anger that kept him alive, because he kept breathing, albeit with difficulty and loudly, waiting to clarify what was pending before saying goodbye to this world.

ally believe there was the slightest chance of forgiving rejection?”

ehind this act of revenge. But I was left with the bitterness of whether rejection justified it.

though a familiar sensation flashed through my memory at that moment.


ere was Aly?

and now that the fog was just a few shreds of air, I couldn’t even catch her scent. Our friend had managed to escape or hide. At least that was good news amidst the traged

that emerged from his lips. “I couldn’t have because we were never mates. We never were.”

hat had torn through his own chest. I could see it in the two big tears that welled up in the

ou maybe truly gave me.”

our enemies.

elings to such an extent that something as strong as a bond could be restrained at will? I didn’t know for sure; it was a question added to the ones I might never answer. But for now, I was witnessing its fatal consequences for both of them.

gs in hell.”

an end. Was the same fate about to befall us? I knew I would be handed over to David Zoe as a hunting trophy, but what about the twins?

nd then Gea howled strongly in my min

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