Promised To The Alpha Twins – Chapter 18

“I’ve got you!” – repeated that familiar voice, but this time I felt it as if it were inside my head.

I still felt dazed, although my mind was starting to wake up. I was heavy and lying on something soft. It smelled like lavender, a pleasant scent, but I still knew I was in the middle of an atmosphere that was growing increasingly strange as the minutes passed without being able to get up.

Even though my mind was returning to what had happened to me, my arms and legs remained stiff, unresponsive. It seemed that only my senses – smell, touch, hearing – were responding, along with my memory.

n I felt my foot again, when I slipped, powerless, and fell. I would have been seriously injured if those arms h

wasn’t what he was saying, but something else. It was the same voice, from the same person, it was… Erick’s voice?

ed now.

re my voices, but I didn’t recognize them.


t? Who? Who’s sp

ns. Just get up!”

managed to regain control of my body, although it still felt heavy, as if I had gained a hundred kilog

to me. “You have to come now. She’s waking up.”

ng down was passing, I knew it, it would pass, although it would still take some time.

door opening.


was Chloe.



my eyes had given up again, although I knew that if I tried again…

ou gave me, not a drop less,” Erick s

en I don’t understand. She should still be unconscious,” Chloe p

fume, damn it, her perfume reached the edges of my no

rick protesting. It didn’t take long for me to recognize another voice, familiar.

ng dark, I recognized her, I don’t know how, but I did.

ing my face. She grabbed my hair tightly and lifted me up. “Here you are, raggedy.

t’s going on?”

recognized her before she respond


her the party was canceled.”

e. Erick told me he read her phone and

Damn it!” Vera protested before runnin

ow,” Amelia said. “We should leave

old her what she has to do.”

said, making a great effort. The headach

, do you understand? It’s not enough for you to stay away from them, no, you have to go, go back where you came from.”

really happening.

own, get out.”

asn’t the town where Lia and Dub lived.

s, I’ll

d to be even more distressed than I was.

t, hitting my face.

y face, where I had just received Chloe’s blow, kept me awake, along with the surprise of receiving such a devastating blow from a young woman who seemingly shouldn’t have had th

c taste took over my lips, which must now be battered.

e her moving away. Amelia had already left, but Erick was still there, in front of whom Chloe



ick’s gaze, now directed at me, was the only

re I was lying.

m of the bed.

ier by just staying still.”

Erick’s hand on the zipper of my pants.

e voice in my head said. “You know you can do it.

you are!” I responded, not being myself. I didn’t understand anything, and I was only distressed to see Erick’s hands about to unzip my pants.

, just do it!”

o deliver a kick to Erick’s stomach, causing him to double over.

even breathe properly.

e strength I had used to free my leg, I untied the ropes around my wrists. The other leg almost freed itself, and I quickly got up without even stopping to check on Erick, who r

shock of the moment numbed it, which could be more serious.

either; I was solely focused on getting back home.

nto the street while my mind recalled the path I had taken to get there.

new it wouldn’t be difficult for me

nveloped me tigh

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