Promised To The Alpha Twins – Chapter 22

As I turned around, I almost fell upon seeing what had produced the sound that caught my attention.

In front of me, leaning on their four legs, there were two enormous black wolves.

I had never been face to face with a wolf in my life, not even in a zoo. I had only seen them on television or in internet photographs, but now, in the middle of that forest, I had two large ones right in front of me, observing me as if I were their lunch.

ic and strange that for some reason my reaction wasn’t to run away; besides, what would be the point? If I did, it was evident that the wolves would catch up with me in three strides. If I was going to d

large black wolves with very shiny fur, almost like onyx, and cunning eyes, even intelligent, that never stopped watching me.

end up like that girl, who not too far from here was devoured by wolves because they followed her after finding out she was skipping school.”

hat’s how I would be remember

l night at the party, but now I was also talking to the wolves.

r the house. Perhaps they were the same ones, and guided by my scent, they had recognized me and that’s why they weren’t attacking, but as far as I knew, wolves, unlike dogs, didn’t accept masters, so it wasn’t possible for them

and the behavior of the two animals.

to do anything…”

aze onto me, and I even thought I saw him analyzing me, as if that were possible. His companion stuck his tongue out to the side, and I thought I saw him curl his lips, as if he were smiling, which made no sense, but that’s how it seemed. Then it seemed like they exchanged a glance, and I even saw one of them roll his eyes, as if mocking his friend.

, if that’s okay with you.”

ed. I was so tense that all the muscles in my back and hips felt strained, but they began to relax as I forced them to obey my will.

ect from two wild animals.

d still sitting, I watched closely as he took each step, first hesitantly, then more pronounced, until his head was within reach of my hand.

time my finger brushed against his forehead, it was evident that he wouldn’t. He tilted his head and let me place my hand on him.

oment, I felt crazier than ever

in the middle of the afternoon and in the middle of a forest, because I couldn’t find any other logical explanation for the fact that a wolf of that size was letting me stroke its head as if it were a puppy.

s he going to stay there? Or does he also want me to pamper him?”

as if he had understood my words, and he seemed to respond to him. It didn’t take long for the other wolf to approach as well, and seconds later, I was stroking both wolves.

understand my words and took a step aside. “We’ll see each other soon. Goodbye.

olves behind, I became even more nervous than when I had seen them, and I didn’t dare to look back for fear of not seeing them and confirming that I indeed needed to visit

nto the forest, but I arrived without needing to activate the GPS on my phone.

s a result of my encounter with the wolves, whom I couldn’t get out of my head.

hout worrying. I went to bed early after eating some of the leftovers I could take from the restaurant that day.

om. Surprised because she had never done that before, I opened it with the intention of scolding her for it. It was about time she stopped pretending to be a concerned mother, but when I saw her expression, I was disarm

orpse. I had never seen her

s come.”

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