Promised To The Alpha Twins – Chapter 43

Working at the pastry shop was a real challenge, but I felt like never before. Sara taught me the basics to get through the first few hours in the kitchen. At first, all I had to do was handle the industrial mixer and knead the dough she gave me; however, I felt like I was constantly messing up, and even though she didn’t say it, I could see her purse her lips and redo what I had already done. After an hour, I thought I was doing so poorly that I would be fired soon or, even worse, that I was slowing down the orders because customers kept coming in and John was feverishly pressing the cash register, not leaving its side. But I realized that my mistakes were teaching me quickly, and around nine in the morning, after almost three hours of work, Sara’s lips didn’t purse as often, and I saw bread, roscóns, cookies, bear claws, and chocolate éclairs being dispatched more regularly to the glass counter. However, I had flour in my ears and was sweating like I had never before, even more than during heated volleyball matches against Chloe.

“You learn fast,” Sara said when she lifted the last tray of croissants she had shaped. “In two more days, you’ll be ready for me to focus solely on the oven and help my brother outside.”

“Two days!” I thought. “Would she leave me alone in the kitchen in just two days? What did she think?”

lieved it was possible, it must be true, and I shouldn’t let the challenge overwhelm me.

be delighted,” I said, returning the smile.

d with my work, which, although it became heavier with each passing minute, at least managed to keep my mind off everything I had left behind and what my life had been like until a few days ago. Between muffins and donuts, there was no room for the twins, Chloe’s jealous and crazy behavior, Lia and Dub, Axel and his obnoxious family. The only person I truly missed and occasionally thought about was Aly. I would have loved for her to be with me at that moment in Pella, and for her to forget everything we had left behind as well. I couldn’t get out of my head, every time I thoug

out of my thoughts.

to go to the public area of the store with my flour-covered appearance.

n a billboard.

if Sara was just being kind to me.

e mentioned something like that, but what do you think?” I replied. John seemed surprised by my questio

and only a few hours in, I think you’re doing pretty well, although there are some products that are getting overcooked in the oven,” he said.

d to be patient to adapt to such a demanding job that requires so much skill.

head. I had completely forgotten that was my new name.

distracted, and my eyes shot up to meet hers. Somehow, Sara managed to look beautiful in that late hour of the nigh

p what I was doing. Anxiety knotted in my gut as I clenched the dirty rag between my palms.

seafoam eyes conveying genuine approval. “I just hope you do better tomo

of us can never arrive on time.”

ould use some nighttime excitement,” John exclaimed, his attention on the money he was counting from the cash register.

ze as Sara closed the doors of the bakery behind us. The streets were empty, apart from the occasional homeless person wandering on the wide sidewalks. The whole city had such a different feel when the sun set. During the day, it was vibrant and flavorful, with the aromas of different foods floating in every direction. At night, the city was deserted, houses dark,

thoughtful. I adjusted my jacket around my torso, shrugging halfway.

e corner.”

ra said, her voice soft as if lifted and c

d her a kind smile and began walking towards the motel.

on’t you spend the night at my place?”

was the kind of girl who must have a large group of friends. Her athletic and toned body, along with her golden hair and blue eyes, Sara didn’t look like a loner.

Sara chuckled; her eyes anxious yet sleepy. “I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want you to

ed carpet that summed up my extravagant previous accommodations.

sleeping on.

t. The comforter I had been covering myself with was full of holes and a red stain suggesting it to be blood.

d at Sara. Her seashell eyes were uncertain yet thoughtful as she surveyed the room. With a long sigh, her eyes hardened.

as she looked at the rundown state of my motel room.

second, I thought she was playing a cruel and heavy-handed joke.

ara let out another sigh, one that made me feel guilty.

ugh of one in my short life. “I really appreciate the job, seriously, but you don’t have to worry about this too.”

ead, the room fell into silence. After a few moments, I shifted uncomfortably, my e

onic smile. She knew she had caught me.

Strange name, but I believe you.”

like that? Who would want a friend like that?

couldn’t hide the curiosity burning in her eyes.

story,” I said, swallowing hard. The motel room felt too crowded in this moment.

calm. “Are you coming or not?”

were filled with lead. “I don’t want to be a burden.”

f you need a place to stay, I suggest you let me kn

ned for over ten years.

mile on my face. “I won’t be late tomorrow.”

minute thinking about it.”

?” I stammered, looking at the sporty blonde girl in front of me.

“John can’t bake for s**t, and, well, I really needed the help,” Sara shrugg

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