Promised To The Alpha Twins – Chapter 93

The room fell silent for a few long seconds before erupting into chaos.

Witnesses were shouting from all sides, emotions thrown at me like daggers to my neck and chest. Many were outraged that I dared to disrespect the High Table. Insults were hurled in my direction, blaming my upbringing.

To my surprise, some came to my defense. Though their voices weren’t as loud, they shouted that I had the right to claim my life and my abilities. They accused the High Table of becoming too powerful, a thought that made me tremble.

den-haired Luna remained silent, their emotions not showing animosity toward me.

nt of his hand.

ing, while helping us in our effort to improve our species.”

one of them. It took a moment for me to realize that David Zoe wasn’t asking, he was insisting.

s again what your future will look like and any other concerns we might have.”

In reality, he was a power-hungry sociopath with a gift for manipulation and good looks. For many in the room, what David said was generous. I should be ecstatic that the High Table wanted my services, that they wa

panion was sitting in a cell. I wanted to scream, to throw everything I had at the five of

ard in his seat and squinted. It was the first sign of interest I’d seen from him. Even his emotions were detached and somewhat bored. Now he was curious. The power bubbling within me faded with surprise, and Thomas’s disinterest returned quickly.

in at our stands, await further instructions.”

otel was reserved solely for the High Table and its meetings, which meant we could stay there until a decision was made.

ht not like the outcome.

either of them hesitated, even though Axel still looked a bit bitter.

the madness inside me except Liam.

nstant wall between you and everyone else. It only reminded me of the danger I was in.

ant was granted entry to the room to serve us dinner. Aly, Ethan, and I sat around a small table, eating in silen

re an uncontrollable weapon?”

can choose from the five,” I commented dryly, taking another bite of my burger. It tasted like ashes after the meeting, but I needed something in my s

h a note?” Aly asked randomly, picking up my plate to retrie

ll from her emotions whose card it was, although I had no idea what it said.

her head with bitterness.


lt enough.»

began to form. I gave Aly an apologetic look, “If you want to skip this meeting, I understand. If not, you’re welcome to come with us.”

ties had been useful when it came to detecting someone nearby. Turns out, I could sense emotions up to a certain distance. With some concentration, I could sense how far and close those emotions were, which helped a lot in trying to identify the guards approaching.

n, casting a muted, yellow light. Nicolas was leaning against the countertop, arms crossed over his chest. The jacket of his suit was folded over the dining chair.

you agitated too?” “Nothing is impossible, Zoe. There will always be a way. We have to keep fighting to change things,” Aly scoffed, “You might want to give up right now, but I plan on sticking around to fix the damn thing.”

dismantling everything, “It’s time to uphold your end of the deal.”

grimaced, the fire in his eyes extinguished. I felt a flash of concern in his emot

ome white wolves I know who need protection, and I


us to hide some white wol

Ethan paused for a long moment and looked in my dir

e’re going to need more details if we’re going

Nicolas asked, his head slightly tilted. It was a subtle hint of interest in his otherwise sour demeanor.

n’s response was immediate

s sure to come.”

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