Puppy Love – Chapter 12


The flight to Mountain proved to be uneventful, with our family oceupying a private aircraft for the journey. True to form, Uncle Leo awaited our arrival at the airport, ready with five vans and security personnel to transport us to our destination.

I eagerly anticipated reuniting with Noah and Sebastien. It had been months since we last saw each other, back when we gathered at Lord Alexei’s residence in Gad. If there was anyone capable of helping us navigate through Mountain, it was those two, especially Noah, whom we affectionately referred to as the “accidental Alpha.

ll traits and abilities of the Stepanov lineage.

res. Their younger brother

n looked mostly like their father, but he was a delta with Stepanov abilities.

ic grand uncle who, in an unusual twist, also served as their grandfather by virtue of settling down with their mother’s mother. It ma

ting aside Sophia’s ongoing predicament, being in the East felt invigorating, and I revelled

r our group. Marvin, Oliver, Miles, Lilly, Harper, the triplets, Justin, and I settled comfortably in the van, leaving our parents to find their own seating arrangements. Uncle Leo had arrived with an excess of vehicles, so it was expected that some would return empty.


is words towards


nsion,” It was clear he was addressing Miles and Marven, who had severe crush

to give credit to my cousins; they certa

he opportunity, I was certain he would jump at the chance to visit Gad, where

re far from pleasant.

onstantly clashed and couldn’t stand each other’s presence. In fact, there were times when I actively went

hine was headstrong, stubborn, and resolute in her own ways. It seemed we w

couldn’t envision us ever becoming friends.

tes, allowing my cousin to move forward.

vident. that he had strong feelings for Layla Corrigan, even more so than I had realised. It was a shame that they would have to wait until the end of next year to determine if they were fated to be together. I genuinely hoped that fate would be on their side.

the expressions on my cousins’ faces as we made our way towards the Mountain settlement made me realise how self-centred I had been when I insisted on heading to Grizlo. I had unintentionally hindered their own desires by asking them to assist me in pursuing mine. I knew how much we had all been looking forward to visiting Mountain, and I

experienced the challenges Uncle Leo and my mother faced, I could only imagine the turmoil they endured. They were fortunate to have been granted second chances in love. Yet, I couldn’t help but ponder what might have happened if their stories hadn’t unfolded so positively. The

the decision to persist in my search for Sophia. I wouldn’t give up

continue to grow in the future.

ance, and we exited one by one. Aunty Amelia stood at the entrance, as she always did, ready to welcome us with open arms. Time seemed to have no effect on her, and her distinctive eyes remained unchanged.

tended the same affection to Harper, drawing us all into a big, heartfelt hug with the rest of the family.

wn warm welcome from Aunty Amelia, we made our way ins

he triplets occupied another. Eleanor had expressed a desire to join us, but Uncle Marcel had enrolled her in Lucland Academy since her return to Grizlo wasn’t imminent. She only had two more years to complete her studies, and my mother had taken the opportunity to drop her off at the academy along with my brothers.

tedly crossed paths with the Corrigan sisters. They had noticeably grown since our last encounter, which was only a few months ago.

glanced at each of us but seemed to focus on Marvin, who became momentarily flustered. In his attempt to wave while still clutching his bag, he ended up dropping what he was carrying. It was no secret that Marvin tended to be a bit flustered whenever Layla was around.

n little world, Oliver and I hurried past them, making our way to our room. I couldn’t help but look forward to teasing them about their int

laughter contagious as I placed my bag in the closet.

d the Stepanovs, I replied, joining in the laughter.

en preoccupied with Sophia to notice anyone else. I just hope we’re able to find her,

– “I


at, our smiles fading as we contemplated the weight of our mission.

time, we shouldn’t let our current joy be overshadowed,” I reassured Oliver, emphasising the importance of maintaining a positive outlook. He nodded in agreement.

ovs will be joining us?

hen it’s her turn,” Oliver asked, his cheeks blushing slightly as he expressed his eagerness to see Elaine.

erjected, attempting to divert the topic. Oliver nodded, joining in the laughter, and we both shifted our focus to the potential enjoyment that awaited us at the gathering.

in his shoes right now.

g someone is your mate until they, too, come of age. I think the moon allows you to cross paths with them. Hopefully, Justin will, and Aunty Nicole can rest,” he said. I really hoped so, too, because Aunty Nicole had put a lot of hope and effort into finding Justin, his mate.

to ensure that I had fully settled myself before delving into those matters.

en and Braile will be a breeze for them.

ntellect had earned them double promotions twice, placing them in the same academic year

al note to catch up with them later, as I knew their insights and support would be invaluable.

without a chaperone. I suspected that this change was due to most of us having turned eighteen. However, I held hope that Justin would join us for dinner. He was just as enjoyable to be around, much like his father.

it took for them to return, it seemed apparent that whatever was transpiring between them was mutually agreed upon. I resolved to give them the

ter when the time was right.

We proceeded to dress for dinner and made our w

esture of honour while I took the seat next to him on the right.

to our places, I couldn’t help but notice that we were waiting for

owards Justin and inquired about the delay in serving the food.

t thirty minutes ago.

sters to join us,” Justin informed, his gaze directed at Oli

d throughout the room as we all

n futures. While I pursued my search for Sophia, my cousins had their own aspirations within their grasp, and I hoped they wouldn’t let those opportunities slip awa

luring, reminiscent of dill. The fragrance lingered momentarily, yet it was undeniably present.

t, and there she was–Josephine Kuznetsov, accompanied by her sisters.

liner and a subtle hint of gothic fashion.

t had just happened to me.

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