Puppy Love – Chapter 15


I had never been so uncomfortable in my life.

Normally, I should have been overjoyed that we were finally going to investigate the matter, and I.

ful for Uncle Leo’s determination to explore th

silently, unable to voice my concerns. I knew I should simply be thankful because they were all going above and beyond for my sake.

ns that we wouldn’t be informed about.

” Charlotte exclaimed, her excitement  evident. She seemed thrilled about being drafted into

become as close as our parents had hoped.

such an important matter.

wasn’t too thrilled about not being officially on the team, given the gloomy expression on his face. Sarah stood by his side, attempting to lift his spirits. I decide

n response.


ied, which left m

?” I asked, seeking to


low Sarah and Layla to visit,” he reveale

ure we can work something out,” I reassured him through our telepa

, and the scent of dill stung my nose.

ankfully, Alex seemed to be h

me. I sensed Elaine’s stare, and when I glanced in her direction, she quickly averted her eyes back to Oliver.

ur father said the three of us can go to Grizlo,” Josephine mentioned, referring to her s

ephine stayed silent for a moment; then, she touched my shoulder. The sensation was overwhelming, and I gently shrugged her

t well-received, as she realised I didn’t want her tou

d to her lap.

she wouldn’t be upset.

nk,” I tried to explain, feeling guilty for my behaviour. “It’s just tha

t conclusion?

Well, that’s not…” I beg

ad Aunt Amelia’s stunning eyes, and perhaps transparent lenses would have been a better option.

ve the mystery and save her. But I want to plead with you, Liam, to give me a chance and make my work a bit easier.

on effectively as a team if you harbour

I shook my head in response.

ng to clear any misunderstanding, and she smiled faintly, looking away.

eplied, catching me off quard. I cou

pardon?” I asked, seeking clarification, and she chuckled before meeting my gaze.

the subject of your jokes,’ she revealed, and I racked my brain, trying to recall the conversation she referred to.

e to like me, but I promise to always give my best.”

speechless. Josephine stated her piece and stood up, walking away before I could respond. I sat there, dumbfounded, on the living room couch.

uld only assume she had overheard a fragment of that conversation and misconstrued our feelings towards her.

f the earth. Max and Kyle joined our group, bringing along their wives and young children.

le, Kyle had two adopted sons named Luke and Ashton. Max’s mate, Ingrid, was a lovely brunette, and Josephine, Elaine, and Lu

d eventually forgive his cousin Alia and accept

r big hearts and the strength of their friendships and bonds that had endure

ifferent features, one. would never suspect that they weren’t biologically related. Kyle had triplets he lovingly cared for, children that his fated mate had tricked him into accepting as his own. Now that they were grown, the triplets had moved away, but Kyle still kept in touch with them, cherishing the connection they had formed.

nment, their reactions were just as I had anticipated. They were immediately intrigued and eager to be part of the investigation, so Uncle Leo assigned them the task of secretly looking into Kaizen and Braile.

nformation for our sake. Alpha Devin also instructed them to explore other islands, and Lord Alexei granted them permission to check the Islands in the west as well. The truth was, Mike and his family could be anywhere, possibly scattered across different locations. I hadn’t rec

ime would be less confrontational and dangerous than actively chasing Mike, where we might encounter serious obstacles.

ken such a responsibility before, so we were excited about what lay ahead.

me vicinity. I felt terrible about this situation, and I couldn’t help but think that she might have truly overheard our conversation two years ago. Looking back now, I regret not

ndness and respect.

usy organising a picnic on one of the mountain tops, and everyone seemed to be looking forward to it. It promised to be a fun time away from our parents’ watchful eyes.

gathering, and I suspected Miles or Oliver might be the ones behind it. While everyone was eagerly anticipating the picnic, I couldn’t shake the feeling of being out of place, as if I were somehow doing something wrong.

n, but deep down, I knew it wasn’t the real reason. What truly bothered me was Josephine’s avoidance. Despite my best

e to act like a jerk, and she misinterpreted my behaviour. Now, any possibility of a friendship seemed distant. I couldn’t help but worry that she would outright reject me if she ever discovered that we were mates. In theory, it shouldn’t have bothered me so much, but in reality, it gnawed at me deeply. It bothered me far more than I cared to admit.

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