Puppy Love – Chapter 40

The morning sun filtered into my room, coaxing me out of sleep at my usual hour – six o’clock.

With a stretch and a yawn, I readied myself for the. day ahead. After a quick refresh, I made the decision to hit the Packhouse Gym, aiming to engage in a bit of muscle work.

As I made my way out, I couldn’t help but pass by Charlotte’s door. A fleeting thought crossed my mind that she might still be asleep. The urge to knock was there, but then the fear of seeming invasive stopped me. The last thing I wanted was to come across as bothersome or, worse yet, as someone creeping into her space. That would be a sure way to ruin any chances I might have with her.

oom. It was odd to think that none of the pack members were utilising the gym. How did they manage to maintain their fitness? It was a small marvel that piqued my curiosity. Although I half-expected to find Alpha Justin using the facility, the absence of anyone else hinted that perhaps I had woken up earlier than most.

ights, my focus was suddenly disrupted by Justin’s presence. He emerged from somewhere at the back, his damp hair hinting that he had just completed a shower. It was clear that he hadn’t anti

arried a playful tone as he greeted me, his smile inviti


nder why the crown prince. himself was sleeping in.

nded with laughter.


ed that Grizlo would be fun.

y workout, dedicating a solid forty-five minutes to the gym session. Afterwards, I decided to leave the gym and head for a refreshing shower, feeling invigorated by the physical exertion. The day in Grizlo was beginning to unfold, and I couldn’t help but feel an undercurrent of excitement for what lay ahead.

obe shuffle, I opted for a pair of well-fitting blue jeans and a crisp white polo shirt. It happened to be one of the shirts custom-designed for my team, yet it was new and remarkably fitting for the occasion.

a mere five minutes to spare before eight and hastened my steps toward the dinin

ome assistance from the staff, I managed to locate the dining room without much ado. As I neared the entrance, an exquis

evel in the moment.

ing step of approaching Charlotte and settling myself beside her. The proximity was needed, and if she would one day permit me, there would be no space between us.

t a subtlewave of nervousness coursing through me.

offering a warm smile. This time, she met my gaze and returned the gestur

pian. How was your night?” Her voice held a soft

letting her imagination fill in the gaps. A faint blush tinged her cheeks, a response that I found both endearing and promising.

nd that held a thread of hope that perhaps this connection between us had the potential to

per near her ear. She turned to face me, her gaze locking onto mine. I wasn’t entirely sure what she was seeking within my eyes, but I silently hoped that whatever. it was, it carrie

words gently shattering the budding hope in my chest. My attempt to spend time with her had been thwarted in an instant.

ntarily clouding my thoughts. I grasped for. something to say, a response that wouldn’t come across as overly forward or desperate. The connection between us

at even within the constraints of the packhouse, we would find opportunities to build upon the connection that seemed to be taking root between us.

roperty? My cousin mentioned there’s a lovely stream here,” she suggested, a warm smile gracing her lips. Her thoughtf

ature,” I replied, genuine enthusiasm in my voice. With a nod, she retu

der about her emotions.

ould sh

d was consumed by questions as I observed her.

r. My attention was drawn to Prince Liam and Lady Stepanov – they were observing us. There was a sense of closeness between them, and I couldn’t help but wonder what lay beneath their connection, as well as their scrutiny of me. Their interest was apparent, and I found myself pondering if my own feelings had been as visible as I feared. Yet, the details didn’t matter; my intentions were pure. As long as Charlotte accepted the bond, everything else would eventually fall i

privy to Justin’s plans for the day, I hoped they would be activities that could be swiftly accomplished. My desire was to spend quality time with Charlotte, to get to know her better, and to foster the foundation of our bond. The da

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