Puppy Love – Chapter 9


Restlessly, I waited in my room, eagerly anticipating my father’s summons to his office. He had given me his word that I could be present when he contacted Alpha Christain, and I anxiously awaited that crucial call.

Harper had retreated to her room to freshen up, while I remained in mine, contemplating ways to assist. The details of the situation still eluded me, but I hoped that clarity would soon prevail. Anxious thoughts filled my mind, but I hesitated to confront the problem directly.

xtend the same assurance to the unidentified men who held her and her mother captive on their vessel.

asking, “How did it go with your f

sion alongside everyone else. I couldn’t help but wonder why my parents had chosen to isolate themselves in this way. If it weren’t for the current issue that had arisen, I would have req

to investigate that matter from Lucland under Uncle Vino’s supervision,” I responded t

ould have a meeting after dinner. I’ll let everyone know. Maybe we can gather in the beta’s lounge. My father never uses it, so it’s just going to waste. They’re always in the Alpha’s lounge,” Marvin suggested, and I expressed my

ed us to gather at the mansion for dinner.

in danger?

l link with me, but I must have unintentionally blocked her off. It 

ne, albeit unintentional.

. I knew the Lucland Academy would have its hands full when they joined.

e smiled in response.

I smiled back, acknowledging her efforts to uplift my spirits.

and dining hall. The seating arrangement was always less than ideal. My father

g my attention. I reassured her, urging her to remain calm.

d a fresh chapter after graduation had taken on a sombre tone. I couldn’t help but  acknowledge my own responsibility in this, but how could I pretend that everything was fine when my heart was filled with anguish?

responded politely, not wanting to come across as impolite. Once we had finished eating, my father requested that I join him alone in his office, which meant Harper couldn’t accompany me.

sed to doing everything together, and I needed her by my si

, assuring me silently. Uncle Vino appeared upset, so I purposely avoided looking in his direction. I knew it was due to our audaciou

ir in front of him, and I sat down nervously. Leaning forward, he locked eyes with me.

Don’t let loss or heartbreak hinder your progress towards greater heights. So, I implore you, my son. Promise me that no matter the outcome, you’ll gather yourself and keep moving forward. Mike squandered his life and that of his family due to his choices, and you mustn’t make your family pay for his sins. I know you care deeply for Sophia, and I hope we can find her and save her. However, yo

g my face intently. I knew my father meant every word, so I nodded in agreement.

find Sophia and that everything would eventually be well.

ventually, he did.

was doing this for my sake, and I felt grateful and hopeful in that moment.

alling to inquire about the Maguire case,” my father stated, getting straight to the point. There was a brief silence before Alpha Christian responded.

. I have been informed that your children are home. You have  nothing to worry about. We will apprehend the culprit soon,” Christian assured, as he should, given his pursuit of the fugitives.



had embarked on a mission together that fateful night.

hey have no knowledge as to why he snapped and committed the heinous act of murdering the Alpha, Luna, and their daughter. It was a horrific scene, your Majesty. The daughter had graduated last year and was about to begin her first assignment when he took her life and that of her parents. Rest assured, he will face justice for his crimes,” Christian explained, and I didn’t want to dwell on Mike’s actions, as they were gruesome to contemplate.

ve you been able to locate them?” my fath

ashed over me.

m. It will require extensive resources,” Christian explained, leaving me uncertain about how to feel. The news had initially sparked hope, but now it seemed like a dead end.

nity to report his Alpha to me, unless he himself was at fault, and Thompson attempted to intervene. The Delta and Gamma teams support this theory and are determined to apprehend him. Honestly, Grizlo is a small, tranquil town; no one would have anticipated such a tragedy taking place there,” Christian responded, prompting a weary sigh from my father.

he situation and what it meant to me. Alpha Christian let out a. chückle in response.

“The prince has just graduated. He should be enjoying his newfound freedom,” Christian remarked, causi


that would discourage my father from allowing me to get involved.

er looked at me, and I silently pleaded with him.

. He had a close relationship with the Maguire family, so it hits close to home for him,” my father confessed, withholding the true reason for my genuine interest, which was to find and save Sophia.

ntemplating my father’s request.

n the past, and I am now asking for your assistance once again,” my father stated, acknowledging the difficulty in making such a request. As a king, he shouldn’t owe anyone favours, yet here he was, willing to go the extra mile for me.

t the phone.

te Mike’s wife and daughter, could you find a way to spare their lives? I understand the law, but we both know that punishing them for Mike’s crimes would be unjust. If we continue to exact such retribution, our kind will face extinction. Despite what the law dictates, I firm


seeking further guidance. Alpha Christian let out a s

explained, highlighting the reality of the situation. My father nodded, understanding that there wasn’t anything else to say. Alpha Christian had been accommodating to our requests and had even provided a potential solution. The only uncertainty lay in the hands of fate, which could tip the scales in any direction.

me, hoping I could glean something from the conv

d what Alpha Christian said,” he remar

and Braile,” I stated, but my father shook his head.

f your uncle. Any actions to be taken there must go through him. I cannot si

g,” my father admitted, sighing in frustration. He ran his fingers through his hair, displaying his exasperation, then leaned back in his chair and studied me intently.

ous gift that you should learn to cherish. Trust me, I’ve been in your shoes,” my father expressed, his voice filled with understanding. I remained silent, realising that I had exhausted my words and arguments to persuade him otherwise.

am. I would hate to be the one obstructing your dreams.

o listen to me on this,

filled with earnestness.

ou to conduct some investigations under Vino’s supervision.

ing the matter to the council, and I will take the necessary action,” my father proposed, his eyes reflecting hope as he awaited my response. I realised that I had no other choice but to comply.

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