Rejected By My Mate, Chosen By Fate – Chapter 109

Special Chapter: Zephyr’s POV

It would be inappropriate for me to do any of that, especially since she’s not here as just Evelyn, my mate but she’s only here as an envoy and she’s choosing to stick to that. I would just have to find a way to talk to her privately, we have a lot to discuss which would mostly consist of me apologizing and earnestly hoping to be forgiven.

A slight whisper left my lips and she paused. Did she hear me? If she had then did that mean we still had a connection? The thought of it came as my only form of solace. She continued towards the door and I carefully watched her until she left the room.

pack members.” Troy, my beta announced, knocking me out of my thought induced state.

e postpone the rest of today’s tasks till tomorrow. I’d like t

e for a second.

e taken a heavy blow to the face.

u mean by that?!” I raged.

what too much to take in but I believe it was just goddess Selene at work.

e but as your friend and beta, I suggest you take it slow. That is, you shouldn’t neglect your duties as Alpha while trying to win her forgiveness.

und against other opportunistic packs so it’s important that you stay focused as

ll be able to carry out all your tasks successfully. Our pack depends on you Alpha, never forget that.” Troy said and somehow, my anger melted away instantly.

, it comes with big responsibilities that I have to fulfill at all costs. I’m basically the foundation of this pack so I mustn’t fault or show weakness. I always have to keep my emotions in check at all times. Duty comes first.

for reminding me but taking one day off won’t ruin our Pack. I have a lot of things to fix and so little time and in order to express

He said and I sighed.

wn will help.

se make sure to let the guards know that I wish to not be disturbed.”

and I left the throne room.



whole situation is ripping me apart from the inside.

d us and we can only achieve that by also dividing it into steps. So let’s go with your earlier thought.

ow exactly do I do that? I already know that the sight of me sickens her so how do I make her smile without showing my face.

I was still at a loss of how to carry it out.

ant to her apologize first, it’ll help to melt some of her hatred for us.” Kieran said and I smiled and instantly sprung up from bed. The movement was so fast that I saw stars for a few seconds.

ow that she’s currently in our pack and let them go see her, they will apologize to her and also let her know that we’ve all found out the truth. After that, I’ll hold a meeting and gather every member of the pack so we can all apologize to her publicly. I know that apologizing won’t take away the suffering we put her through but at least that would be a starting point.

nd Mrs Emerson.

fforts yield positive results.

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