Sophia’s Revenge – Chapter 107

Xanders POV

We were waiting to hear from Trevor so that we could do our counter-strike, but we heard nothing for what felt like forever. Finally, our contact here helping was able to get through to him. He said that King Jag’s witches had put a block up so that no power could be used but theirs. He said he had to move to a new location, and he didn’t know what was going on because of that.

I told them to open the portal up so that we could get there as fast as possible. He opened the portal up, and we all stepped in one by one and he transported us back to our pack. We were too far from where they were supposed to meet. I quickly shifted and took off into the woods with wolves following behind me as soon as they were here.

d found them. He had an entire army with him, and they were all standing behind them. I saw Kane lying on the ground. Sop

MATE GO!” I roared out.

ed as he turned around and saw all of us.

eally think you can take my mate that easily? If so, you

s like I already have her,” he said as he looked a

swer, a member of the witch’s council stepped up.

ds us, but the same witch that was stopping him before shot a light at him, and he was down on the ground and couldn’t move.

is claws as he spun her to look at us.


I can’t have her, neither can you,” he said as his claws started

front of her. Kane had finally gotten up and made his way to us.

etraying me?”

o backfire on you.”


stupid bitch.”

.” Stella growled out.

was taking them down easily. I had two wolves come at me at once. One jumped over me and the other stood in front of me, growling and snapping their jaws at me.

g and came up to me and sank his teeth into my neck, but before he could sink them in, he went flying off me. I looked up to see Kane and plowed into him.

eeds help.”

illed him. We would do that for her. I don’t want her to live with that.

ack down to her normal size. The witches were still fighting with each other, shooting things back and forth. Sophia ran t

er hands out in front of her.

lmen yelled.

were with King Jag and shot a green light out of her hands toward them. The lights they were shooting out of them were su

them there.”

e still standing there. They seemed to be a little lost.


ha command.

stood there watching all of them shift back. Everyone on our side had circled around them so they couldn’t escape. One person stood out from all of them. Clarissa. I knew she was helping him, but I didn’t expect to see her here.

to get them to the cells. Clarissa took one look at us and ran towards us, but Sophia put a stop to her, shooting a green light at her and making her stop where she was. More roots came out of the ground and wrapped up her legs so she couldn’t move.


ch.” Yelled Kane.

r a lot and never used protection.”

l times,” I told them.


m King Jag’s side and started working on them. I could see her pow

g yourself.”

it wasn’t for me, they wouldn’t have been hurt.”

closed back up together. Her green glow was slowly getting dimmer and dimmer, and I could see that she was at her max and was about to pass out.

his jaws on her neck.

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