The Alpha & Beta’s Regret – Chapter 109

Luci POV

She was woken by her mother telling her she’d decided to go to Lucian’s Lake by herself, wanted to spend a few days there by herself, before Luci got to go there. Had even managed to wrangle herself a ride, that Alpha Terence was going to fly her out to the lake and then come back and pick her up in 3 days.

Luci was a little bit disappointed that her mother had wanted to go on her own, but she could also understand it at the same time. She did know that her mother missed Lucian, and had fled that lake at his insistence to protect Luci herself. Had to let her mother have this moment alone with her lake. She herself could go another time, though it was a nice feeling that her mother now knew where the lake was. To know that at some point she herself could go there too.

uld not stop her, she wanted her mother to have that comfort after all that had gone on, and that Lake was actually closer to this pack, than Nightfall.

you that Melissa and Maria, the two she-wolves responsible for burning down of Alpha Luci and her family’s previous residence here within the pack. Tried to flee the pack and their punishment for their crimes.

, have been placed on the shaming posts outside the front of the packhouse. No one in this pack is required to listen to anything either of

y much longer. They hardly ever slept in. Today was a rarity and when they did sleep in, she just let them.

s out there, she’d not really expected them to do it. Had never seen anyone get put on them. Understood they were more there for the fear of it than actually using them. The Alpha and Beta usually just tossed people into their cells until they calmed down, could explain themselves and apologise to whoever they’d offended. Though she’d noted it was usually only ever drunken wolves, fighting

’s out there on the shaming post, she saw shades of Orien and what he got. She recalled her mother putting him out the

d thinking of Orien as her father, his words that morning had been too much, too cruel and she’d nearly lost herself to the darkness within that day.

y pack, and racing away through the woods, headed east. She frowned and sat herself up, as she realised she’d been heading right for the lake tha


hen I just couldn’t.’

darkness in me, that when it happened I’d kill Orien, I think.’

d her simply.

gone, I was calm and happy with them.’ sighed much more heavily now as she realised that she could have gotten Alari that day, just a single day after she’d gotten Kali. If she’d not been scared. It could have solved a lot, she thought.


before, but it was over quickly, with the arrival of their first lot of toys.

streak it seemed.

m all their laughing, it was actually hard to drink her morning coffee.

were squealing and yelling and then off again. She’d tried to settle them down, not even telling them they could watch TV worked, and she knew that was their new favourite thing, or had been till this morning. Seems that novelty was out the window with all their new toys.

stmas; she realised all hopped up about their gifts. Took them outside and before she knew it, Astral and Spark were just ripped out of them and running all over the place, jumping and tumbling over each other. Raced around the outside of the house a few times and banged right into her and her

g everything that moved. Even pounced on a few patrolling wolves, she’d apologised instantly.


at her. “They like running, mamma.” She was told.

as going to have to talk to them about patrolling wolves and not disturbing them. She guessed they’d

ng enough to eat something and sit still, were sitting and colouring on the lounge, they were talking to each other and laughing still, but much more settled. Kali and Alari seemed to be

ardon the intrusion, the boys wolves were out?’

ripped out of them unexpectedly.’ She told him honestl

ed even, had thought she’d been about to be reprimanded about it, seems not. ‘Would they like to come to the entertainment zone and play with the other children, burn off some of that

you, no harm will come to you.’

dn’t really want to do that.

silver as well.’

ter lunch then.’ She told him ‘Perhaps send Allen to get them.’

ment in his voice.

Allen as the Gamma can come and get them.’

d time with you as well.’

now, but they still had them. They did not need to spend anytime with her, just the boys was all.

she-wolves this morning, he hadn’t used their titles, wondered why that was. He’d also done that again just now, wondered if h

. She told the boys that Allen would be here after lunch to take them to the packhou

put your stuff

am freely as well, stroll in wolf form all the way to the lake’s edge, even let Kali go for a bit of a swim before letting Alari out

n and being out there in the lake, she wouldn’t have to concern herself with hearing either Rafe or Jack’s voice inside her mind. Out in the lake Alari was in charge, she’d just disconnect herself from them in that way she’d always been able to do.

well. Or perhaps she could do that tomorrow while the boys were at school all day and

oys were all excited to see it, yelling about it and then they were just gone, racing off down the driveway, shocked Allen more than a little as he had to shoot off after them. Luci chuckled to herself and mind-linked right to him ‘Good luck, Allen.’


y across the pack, chasing that helicopter; it was unlikely she thought that they would stop till they got to where it landed. Likely want to get in it and go for a ride. Felt Alari’s annoyance right away.

up without permission. Alari seemed to settle with that thought.

e boys’ things away and head

dove under and Alri was out of them a moment later to swim in her lake.


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