The Alpha & Beta’s Regret – Chapter 143

Hannah POV

She felt it, the moment was here, upon them. Luci’s pathway was all laid out before her. Shot to her feet as she saw a bloody slaughtering happening inside her own mind.

A vision of the future, nothing but death rained around the girl. Starting here within this pack itself.

moment Aaliyah and Giannah touched her she was gone with them. To the packhouse where it would all start, none of them had ever been inside of Luci’s room. A witch’s home, a witch like Luci was, was not something to invade. Even if that witch did not understa

Luci, it is imperative you stay out of this, or the entire pack could be destroyed.’


all bad, had a better understanding of things going on around them, contained himself always.

concerned, and it didn’t help that right this very minute he knew he was Mated to the woman. He was the wildcard right now. If he could be contained and Luci’s permission granted maybe, just maybe, they could save hundreds of lives th

mount of time to help save this pack from the twins, who were going to go completely ballistic if they felt their mothers true pain and anguish.


came down to it and those two little boys unleashing their combined witch bloodline with the coldness of their Sirens’ uncaring nature, they would not care about who died, until it was all over and they came back to their normal state, which was one of happiness and joy. They wouldn’t care to understand until it was over, and they saw the actual devastation they had wr


That was the problem they all faced now.

could never be seen by Hannah.

, every day since Luci had returned.

d her own eyes widened at the sight before her. All three of them were not only on the surface, but all three of them were in control, were fully united as one. She was looking at a true Triune right at this minute. Witch, Wolf and Siren all merged together as one.

ver before with such a blend of creatures to her knowledge, not ever had there been a Siren as part of a Triune. This was a first for their world. Likely, why Selena had intervened herself and not allowed Luci to feel the pains of betrayal.

she had read, seen in pictures even. All three of them were looking at he

t and took her sister’s hands in hers as they formed a circle around them.

visiting them, it would help allow Luci to calm down.

t her linage and the strength of all her bloodlines united was stronger than their own combined powers. Luci’s sheer will not to leave this room, had stopped them from blipping her out of here and to the comfort of their own home.

ll really, never had. That witch side of her was and always would protect her.

ng against each other. A massive c***k like thunder ripped through the room and the bang that was heard was actually caused by the four of them being violently attached to the floor here in this room.

come to terms with the knowledge they were seeing, come to unders

f was. And a siren call coming out of them filled with all their mothers rage, pain and suffering.

s to its target, like ripples on the water, got larger as it moved away from them.

were too young yet for that kind of control, so their call not only projected forwards but outwards in ever expanding soundwaves, that would affect anyone caught in it, even if not a target of their aggression. She also knew that once they got older they would be able do that at will, nothing would harm them or theirs. Could stroll into a pack and devastate it without the need of taking their own warriors to war. Once they came of age, nothing and no one was going to stop them. Thankfully, they were happy little boys, full of light

but harmonic sound at the same time. Made sure to tell her that no harm would come to her children. And then she simply focused all her efforts on the boys and put them into a deep sleep state.

rced to be here.

nd united by their birth as triplets, could actively push and pull, share their magic between each other. That was what considered them Triunes, but they were not a true Triune.

ld actively share the same body and see at the same time when they so chose to. Were now fully realised.


’s bedroom all blew out and the French doors to the balcony, all their glass pains rained glass down out there on the balcony.

r and the wall was gone, exploded and disintegrated before her, all bar one section of it, which was just left floating there before her. Her sole focus was on it. H

that, it was not that easy to do.

Luci had been a moment ago and then both their eyes just moved to hers.


ference in her state of mind.”

s coming, as much as they had tried to prepare themselves for it, none of them liked it. They couldn’t do anything about it either; it was their penance to pay for not stopping their brother.

Luci, saw that slight glow and almost like a magical shield appear before her, not one ounce of blood or brain touched the girl. A simple twitch of her ha

s of magic that had radiated outwards much like the twin’s calls did. She seemed to have complete control over that call now, but could feel the magic in it as well. It wasn’t just a Siren call, it was both t

” Giannah murmured.

go as well, or many innocents will die,”

aliyah stated.

,” Hannah nodded “We have time though, it will take her a few hours for her to get there, will swim the lake, and run th

hours.” She st

ements, Hannah,” Aalyiah stated.

at is definitely wise.” She nodd

g the herbs and crystals needed t

pped raining but was still overcast up there, a storm was brewing st

me to prepare.

ster and I will track her, follow her, no one else must get involved, stay here with the boys.”

this turn of events.

it is over if you don’t stay here.

” She told them. She needed both of them to stay out of Luci’s sight or the ramifications would just be exponential and she and her sisters wouldn’t be able

she come back?” Jack asked

f, and will help Luci with her pain if she needs it, though she might not. I don’t really understand how the Siren part of her works.” Smiled a little as she looked up to the first floor. Hopefully, Jo-anne was up there helping something she and her sisters could not fix.

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