The Alpha & Beta’s Regret – Chapter 166

Luci POV

She did like that her mother had ruined so much of Victor’s pack, was unhappy about him taking her, but had not known at the time, not until it was all over and Victor was a very lucky man that she had not. Likely would have unleashed all her Triune powers upon him to get her mother back.

She likely was going to at some point and from what she had just heard, Alpha Austin was going to allow her to do so. Perhaps he thought it was a good idea to get rid of Victor, but being a council member, couldn’t actually do it.

Council laws.

more about Victor” she heard him state afte

mother was happy about taking away all of Victor’s women and children. Thought it was fitting, he’d taken her and tried to take Luci, her child, so a little payback, karma Addison style, her mother had put it, had stated “You touch me and my child. ‘ll touch all of yours.” Thought it was very amusing, was very plea



Yes, after her father.” Addison nodded. “Why?”

pha Siren, named Lucian?” he questioned further

ther was now frowning

and looked right at Addiso

” He stated sof

now, surprised Luci completely, as well as Alari. She actually understood those words, they were Sire


name.” she answered without

“How do


lake you told me yesterday. Had a man there?” he allowed her to think about it for almost a minute before continuing on. “He also fits the description given of the man leading the s*******r of Tor Val Mere.”

et now, stumbling over her own words it seemed.

to survive.”


but there had been children left out there to survive on their own. Shed run away and left them, done what Lucian had told her and left them.

the lake as were told to and were raised by a human woman, and old lady that lives there, new of their kind.”


es.” Aust

dn’t… Victor took me and..” her words just stopped and she watched her mother ball her fists at her side and saw the glow start to come from her, was going to explode just like Luci herself had. “It was Victor?” she grated out, s

clined to say it was him.” Austin nodded “What you’ve told me about him wanting Luci yesterday, for many years. I’d say he knew who you were all this time. Bided his time, tried to get that mating alliance for himself. Knew Luci was part Siren all the time you’ve known him.”

she knew what she was thinking, it was making Luci herself sick to think of it, shed once had s*x with the man who she

ammy, when they tried to pick them up and move them away to calm them down.

ew all three of her beasts were on the surface.

ed to try and calm the boys,

Alari were furiously mad along with Ad

in this room, she herself would be as mad as he

at them while Kali was focused on their mother hugging her into her and telling her that it was all going to be okay, they were going to punish that man, to calm down she would get to see Victor die. She needed everything to calm down for one minute to settle the boys and then she and her mother could deal with this.

fice. She could feel her running away at full wolfen speed heading south through the pack, going off to get Victor all by herself.

ainst Rafe and Jack, when she turned and look at them, she was torn right this minute, between what she had learned and how the boys were reacting.

ulled them both right into her, and felt both Rafe and Jack curl their arms around her and the boys as well. All three of them trying

to tell them.

oth stated right back.

he could already feel them calming down. The effect her mother’s emotions had on them lessened the moment she was out of their sight. Their connection to her was different to her own, to them. They could alway

ain knowing who had killed her father, all her kin. That there were survivors in that lake.

ly, kin of her own up there in

m. With every second that was passing she could feel her mother getting further away from them. Kali was actively tracking her tether.

nd Grammy’s fight. Not yours, you will stay here with your daddies.” All three of them stated, looking at the boys.

of them touched her face, knew why they had three sets of eyes looking at them, saw their own eyes change to all black and then they each had two iris’s in each of their own eyes; little Rafe, one red and one blue, and Jac

that was their human, the witch part of them. “Beautiful. Now stay here, be calm and in control.” She knew everyone in this room was seeing it, there was nothing she co


annah won’t be here to help.”

e “Do what you and Addison need to and come home to us.”

led run towards Victor’s pack. Appeared right in front of her and let her crash right into her, wrapped her arms around her mother as they went tumbling over each other.

ll out. Moved them to Hannah’s garden and just sat there with her and held onto her. Allowed the magic of the place to help calm her. There was a better and quicker way to get to Victor. Her mother just needed to calm down so it could be explained to her.

ood and accommodation preferences. Only to now know who he truly was. A monster of the worst kind.

y knew, and she knew it.

his pack, stop all that would interfere.

I don’t need you.” she grated out.

g you. I don’t want that, that’s why I never told you, why none of us told you. He’d win in the end.”

taring at Hannah horrified, she understood those words, hed have her, would use her body for himself. could feel

burst out. “I left them there.”

to get

ily now “I’m sorry

one time…Luci, she had to come first…Piper.” She sounded sad.

n’t help, needed Jo-anne for that. Getting her here insid

u could have just gone to her.”

is Jo-anne’s father, we couldn’t, Belinda does not want to know us.”


s, but still it’s unseen if she’ll ever be our kin.”


ake days or weeks even.

could do it herself, kill that man, felt a hand on her shoulder, it was Aalyiah, smiled down at her “Jo-anne has thought the same, seen it even herself now. Together we can go and rid the world of the evil that is Victor. No-one else will be harmed, like with you the other night.”

ded “Mot

and Luci knew

Tor Vale Mere.

bring them here, to our home, a new lake for a new beginning.” She touched her mother’s face and looked down at her. “Mother, we will kill him, for father, for family.” She



, protect you.”

I am, allowed me to flourish and smiled at me always, never chastised me.

d to Hannah. “I will join the coven, become a part of the ligh

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