The Alpha & Beta’s Regret – Chapter 21

Rafe POV

Rafe was sitting in his office with Jack, they were waiting on Addison to turn up. He had his doubts that she was going to, after the yelling match that had occurred on the first floor of his packhouse; after Addison had left his office earlier in the afternoon.

Orien had decided it was time to try and pull his Luna into line, about her attitude and the disrespect she had shown towards him, in front of another Alpha and his Beta. Out the front of the packhouse for all to see.

ont of his own Alpha to shield him from Addison.

snarl at them all.

ouch her, specifically looked right at her own Gamma Chad, and the man had backed off very quickly. She’d then demanded to have her own room. Allen had got the distinct impression that something had already gone down between the Luna and her own Gamma. Couldn’t pick up on what but likely a fight of some sort with the way he’d ba

self wouldn’t actively touch the woman in a fight, she’d be obliterated by his Mates protective charm, and he didn’t want that, neither did Rafe, for that matter. He’d stood by, nea

tside her room. Trying to get her to come to her senses, Rafe had heard the man yell at her once. Not that it would work, seeing as the rooms were sound proofed.

t tensions were high inside Nightfall.

a deadly quiet fall over the dining room as Addison had sat with him and Jack, just lik

ly. They’d already agreed to just stay out of anything to do with the two of them. Though he could now see exactly where Luci got

his Mate just looked plain uncomfortable. She had no idea what was going on within her new pack, it seemed.

the girl was having second thoughts about being within the Nightfall Pack. She wouldn’t look at Orien or Addison at all and only spoke quietly when spoken to. He’d watched Thatcher smile at her and state reassuring words to her, and she’d smiled at him but ne

im. Rafe had offered to send a full escort for her. Even with that offer on the table, Orien had declined to allow her to come here without him.

That Addison would want to take her back to Nightfall, and once again reinstate her as the next in line to take over. The Pack’s Heir once more.

help, maybe thinking it would likely give them a lesser chance of catching Luci and returning her to his pack.

s seeing between the two of them now. They’d always seemed to be a little on the volatile side, especially with Luci being the intensifying facto

knew, had to suffer it all the time, though Melissa never looked like she suffered anything at all while she was away from him, always looked healthy and never looked tired when she returned from her family visits.

way, likely didn’t help with the continued fighting here in his pack either.

from the two of them and looked from one to the other, then just sighed “My apologies for the fight with Orien earlier.” She murmured.

high between the two of you. May I ask why? What actually started it?”

, a special silver cuff that only he had the key too.” Sounded very angry about this, sounded like she had the right to be. Who chained up their own Mate with silver?

ad, “I’m sorry Addison.” And he was, couldn’t understand why anyone would keep a mother from h

“I just want

and Rafe did really mean that they were going to get Luci back and not just for Addison, bu

vily “Luci, won’t be easy to bring in though, not now.”

” it was Jac

nswered him simply.

ed himself.

k them now. But whatever I choose to answer or say, does not leav

t going to. Victor is vicious and the men he brought with him were highly trained, in a particular way that was hammering us.”

s tactics.

ount.” Rafe answered her question.

aw Addison frown, Victor’s tactics were likely w

as at first. It took research to figure that out. But it could mind-link to Rafe, called him Alpha and saved us.”

n asked, didn’t sound at all surprised to hear this news.

orm, just…” Jack again.

ht.” Addison nodded.


er…She is not Orien’s daughter.”

answer to.

pain and sorrow in her words “I named my daughter after him, to always remember him.”


e kept something from me now.”

er sisters stated it was a death trap full of pain. We lost one wolf to a fractured mind and several humans died after going swimming in the water. The lake seemed…alive, I guess.”

a long breath in and looked from one to the other. “That would have been the birth of her Siren. I

ran away.

et her back?”

or her Siren. Know how to do that, though it’s been a while since

o surface even?”

a creature of its own will at this point.”

on them.” Again, it was Jack “Deadly creatures.”


t an Alpha one would be even harder.


d right at Jack with a knitted brow “I need to think on that.”

at a Triune is?” Jack asked right away.

” She nodded “let me get back to you on it. I’ll want to go to the lake tomorrow, try and call her Siren to me…” Looked at Jack and then Rafe for a long time, then stated, “Your Mate’s are denying you…You’re dying slowly.” Then she just got up and walked out of their offi

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