The Alpha & Beta’s Regret – Chapter 35

Rafe POV

Rafe smiled at Jack himself, at those words, it made him happy to hear those words. Then he realised this was the first time they had been alone since finding out about Luci and the boys. “Our boys are beautiful Jack.” he smiled, truly smiled, about knowing of them finally. That they were here, how good and strong they were, that they were so very connected and not just to each other but to their mother Luci as well. He really did love that about them.

“I know, amazing aren’t they.” Jack smiled right at him.

im. “Congratulations Jack, you’re a dad.”

ns yourself on that, you are too.”

smiled, all his joy and happiness on the surface for the man to see, couldn’t help it, there was no containing it.

tter in the sunlight. That I bet they get from Alari. Her scales were opalescent.”

no one will ever doubt their power. Likely put f

e Alari’s eyes with a pure Alpha Wolf eyes blended right in.” Jack smiled.

afe smiled.

al handful.” Jack laughed. “Just like she was.”

he girls when they come of age.”

, yes. I can only imagine they’ll be just like us in that department.” Jack nodded.


pack, there was just something about her, always had been that attracted them to her, likely it was her nature. So very stubborn and so very open about what it was she w

send that email.” Rafe told Jack as he stepped away from the man, looked right at him. He was as lit up as Rafe himself was. Hadn’t slept in the same

s thought about it.

d as he sat down.

t was willing to let them both have her.

ed, “If Melissa comes home and finds me in there with you.”

deal with it. I’m done being denied Jack. She goes off and does her ow

ight.” Jack looked right at him, smiled himself, seem

many years.

Victor had injured Jack’s son and the future Heir to their pack without concern, that the boy was just six.

going to be coming alone. Would likely bring all his allied packs with him and whatever rogues he had under his influence.

once before, not very pretty and a whole pack had been destroyed by that man. Any remaining pack members had been split up between the four packs that had been there for assistance. He still had a few

and Beta Jack, The Black Forest Pac

as he considered their pack. He’d hoped that one day they would Mark and Mate the same woman and he’d raise J

ain coming for Luci even though she had never wanted to go with him. Still didn’t. Both of them were attached to the same email so that they could all see everyone’s responses.

the caller ID “Here we go Jack, it’s West.”

desks for a duel running Alpha pack.


us, unknown to us. As you know, L

ce asked him.

ry wrong.” He admitted “Didn’t even go that far, still a pack member

t of curiosity, if you don’t mind

ind she was across the other side of the lake, in the human town. Looks very different. I would no

hid the children?” Terence asked him.



mating balls.

Nearly got kidnapped today, and when the twins came to her aid, Victor i

a savage.” Jack grated out “My boy is just six.”

s like you and Bradley will have a l

m had a run away she-wolf, though Luci was not their Mate, as were West and Brads.

st and Terence chuckle now. “Any day is good for T

es a whole fleet at his disposal.



s desk as the line clicked closed “What type of helicopter do you think those two

s in it.”

se two do.”

a chopper as well, than by road.”

ey will. Go from a six and a half hour drive, to around a two and a half hour flight time, I’d say. Cut that trip considerably.”

d as well. Wouldn’t surprise me to hear they’ve got more than one, likely got eno


ook his head.

e same time.

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