The Alpha & Beta’s Regret – Chapter 39

Luci POV

Luci sat watching her boys as they slept, despite being in a three-bedroom house, both her boys had still climbed into her bed with her when it was time to go to sleep. They were still there with her when she had woken up in the morning.

She was used to having to get up at the c***k of dawn to organise breakfast and get not only herself but both boys ready for the long walk to school in the human town. Now it was likely that wouldn’t take all that long, she had a fully stocked kitchen with electricity.

r them today. It was also likely that she n

ht absently, seeing as they were their children. Not that they had done or said anything at this point to her about it.

onsidered too dangerous.

knowing where she was and him telling her she belonged to him. No, she didn’t belong to him, had never belonged to him and would never either.

h her boys now and so knew they existed too, likely what they were, who’s children they were as well. She looked righ

st attack on the pack, so it was possible they’d stepped in and helped out. She really didn’t know, was going to have to ask more questions than she had of the b

ing the boys to sleep. They’d had a big day yesterday. Though didn’t seem all that upset about it, kind of like Alari just let it go once it was over. Had been more excited about being here and their

ing Luci. Coffee?”

it.” Luci offered.

have breakfast with him and Thatcher, his Mate.”

mile touched her face. She hadn’t seen her little brother in a very long time.

hy, he met her at Alpha college apparentl

ly secured then, “Is she nice?”

ien and I, have not been getting alone since he stopped me from comin

ned to you?”

, this is as good as it will get.”

oing to be perfect. A full permanent reminder of what her own Mate had done to her, for the rest of her life and they led long lives.
Luci POV

. They were still there with her when she hod woken up in the morning.

ed kitchen with electricity.

ut refuse it, ofter yesterdoy.

they were their children. Not thot they hod done or soid onything ot this point to her obout it.

them going to the humon school onymore, not with Victor knowing obout them, it would be considered too dongerous.

her. Not with Victor knowing where she wos ond him telling her she belonged to him. No, she didn’t belong to him, hod never belonged to him ond would n

ious, but coming too, there hod been mony pock members in thot town. Not just her Alpho ond Beto, but worriors ond teens she knew with wolves.

he wos reody to tolk to them.

hod o big doy yesterdoy. Though didn’t seem oll thot upset obout it, kind of like Alori just let it go once it wos over. Hod been more excited obout being here ond their Siren-Wolves ripping out of them to run obout, oll excitedly for the first time not just in the woods, but in their own pock.

Morning mum, I con moke it.” Luci of

“Though Orien is olreody insisting I go ond hove breokfost with him ond Thotcher, his Mote.”

o smile touched her foce. She hodn’t seen her little brother in o very lo

er ot Alpho college opporently.”

ely secured then, “Is she nice?”

heovily ond looked right ot her left hond.

ed to you?”

oved it, took o lot of my skin with it. Follon hos done oll she con to heol it, this is os good os it will get.”

kinned herself olive in on ottempt to get it off, some of the skin hod been put bock but it wos never going to be perfect. A full permonent reminder of whot her own Mote hod done to her, for the rest of her life ond they led long lives.

so sorry mum.”

bit on the angry side, but stopped herself from stating the rest of her sentence.

ays been, she was not his, though she had not known that at the time, he always had, now she realised.

gh once more.

, his son.”


was never going to be hers, that it was all a game and a show from Orien to her mother.

s hand and looked at it properly, only a week-old scar, “Why did he think it was necessary to do this?” she needed all the information, wanted to know the reason behind it, before she went and confronted him and she was likely too. No Mate should bind their own Mate with silver, disconnecting them from their wolf, it burned the skin and cause

e border patrol stop me, and then came for me himself, brought his entire uni

very wrong, “mum!”

and I are not affected by Silver like normal wolves, our linage.” She shrugged “Stops

rprise that she would ask that so easily, smiled at her “Your eye


’s alright, I was never afraid of you or it.”

te,” snorted, “right into your room and have been there ever since. He put a guard detail on me instead.”

uci sank down onto a chair, she could hardly believe Orien’s behaviour, and over something so s

but I had my suspicions, where you were concerned.”

really was.”

. My first Mate Luci

r Deity all her life.

part. He was an Alpha Siren and he was killed while I was pregnant with you. M


t wait to meet you Luci, he was so very happy and excited about you.”


tand being inside a pack would be safer for us, for you. He told me he would accept you as his own, and only then did Fallon and I agree to accept him. We have never stopped loving Lucian. I also never let Orien bleed you to him. He wanted to, to show me he meant that

ith me.”

iren you became in nature, the more he didn’t like it.”

“Like a

dstrong, and…” she looked right

.” She shook her head, she’d always been looking to sate her needs, bloody couldn’t half the time. Not till Rafe and Jack had come along.

hat you would want to explore your s****l needs and desires. Also knew you being Alpha Blooded on my side and Lucian’s side, that you would need to be, crave it essentially.”

that about me.”

nd closed doors.”

cher started having s*x.” Luci m

ull double standard.

tay here, and I don’t want to go back to Nightfall.”

more so than in Nightfall.”

going to want me here.”

in sister…” saw her mother shake her head “I don’t know why. but you’ve seen Rafe and Jack, are thinner now.”

t possible, for them to be weaker?” she didn’t understand that at all.

hink that there is more going o

eir Mate, you were drawn to them, relished being in one’s company, or at least that’s what she’d heard. She herself was not so lucky on that front. Never would b

pack and visit their parents, practically unheard of, your Mate would go with you.”

t be. That was a given.

n how and when it would happen, what her or Alari’s response to it would be. She was a deadly creature, and protecting her boys from any threat, verbal or physical, would be something Luci knew she would get no say in it. Coul

h the boys walked into the kitchen

t back at them, happy as they always were “

dded “Sit down, I’ll

.” Her mother smiled “I would love to cook for m

by the third time. It was likely it was Orien trying to talk to her and she either didn’t want to or wouldn’t.

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