The Alpha & Beta’s Regret – Chapter 47

Addison POV

Addison sat and watched as Thatcher actually displayed his ability to lead as an Alpha. Her son had sat next to her Mate, his father. She’d honestly thought that he was going to take Orien’s side in all of this. Now she realised, he had, it seemed, been sitting back and listening to everyone and everything that was being said. Assessing the situation for what it was. He himself had a lot to absorb today.

Addison couldn’t be more proud of her boy than she was right this minute. He had stood up to not only Orien, but Rafe as well. He was only young but had read the situation right. Knew that everyone in this room had an ulterior motive for wanting Luci, even admitted he did as well.

lete joke. Hearing him growl at Thatcher for answering all of Luci’s questions truthfully, so she could see just how right she was about his ow

right. It was not a good idea to ask Luci to go back to Nightfall. Not even she knew if Orien would call Victor and sever their ties with him. She didn’t trust her own Mate anymore. Not where Luci was concerned and it seemed neither did T

ance against his own father, when those two got back to the pack. There was nothing she could do about it. It was solely between them, and they would have to deal with it. If Orien couldn’t see that his own son was being a good Alpha, that was poor judgement o

to that place, had every right to, but had gone rogue herself to get away from a forced Mating. Not that she thought for a single second she’d have ever been allowed to go.

t Luci and the boys from their own Mates. She also knew, as did Rafe, that Luci and the boys were more than capable of defending themselves, though they should not have to.

her daughter was actually worried about, where they were concerned was undiscernible, she’d gone back to bei

was here as well. Addison needed to talk to her about being a Siren and the way Mates were gifted to them. It wasn’t exactly traditional.

likely caught between a rock and a hard place.

she had not only tried but had succeeded in keeping them hidden all this time. Right in plain sight at that, just across the lake, with the boys going to the school in the human town.

p their children. Luci had likely been one of them. Not even Addison had seen her. But she was willing to bet Luci had not missed Nightfall pack cars driving by.

d ever felt the boys. They were technically always pack members, born with their pack attachment still, even she could smell the unique pack scent on them, right from the first time seeing them. It was curious to her now. Surely their wolves would have felt the boys, felt something was wrong and were agitated about something unknown

ut their hearing would have picked up her words yesterday.

ouse anymore, wanted to live on her own, away from them and their Mates. Likely, even that cottage she was in for the moment, was going to be too close to the packhouse for comfort, when their Mates got back.

now too.

k as Luci stated she was worried about

d Jack feel about it? What would they do about it if Alari or one of the boys killed the Luna or the Beta’s Mate? Or both of them?

ne, Addison knew with full certainty Alari would do what all Sirens did, kill without hesitation or remorse, any and all threats to her children.

not large ones like all otherworldly creatures.

discuss with Luci, though doing so they would need to have somewhere private, no prying eyes or ears for that matter.

eetings and discussions for those only in the room and only for who needed to know.

owards her and Fallon. Had not once told her no, he wanted her here with Luci. She also knew that Jack had let her know about Luci the moment he had known himself. Had wanted to tell her about seeing Luci, knew she worried about her daughter.


It was possible the pack blamed them for the death of a pack member. It was on their hands, even they admitted it.

She cleared her throat and gained everyone’s attention. “I’d like to talk to Luci privately.” Looked at Rafe and then Jack “May I use this offi

ow or later, Addi?”

to Luci. “Now I think is a good time.” She stated, “I’ll be staying a while here.” Looked at Orien. “You and Thatcher can go home, back to Nightfall. There is no need for either of you to be here anymore.”

son, I th

still allied to Victor and until you sever that, I will not be returning.”

ell him she was going to be staying here. “It’s not that simple.”

u would sever ties with him instantly, would you not? He’d be considered an enemy to

wn, knew she was right, everyone in this room knew she was right. “Well, Orien, Victor attacked your Luna’s daughter, your Luna’s grandchildren. As far as I am concerned, he is my enemy. Until you also reach this conclusion, I will remain here in the Black Forest Pack. If you insist on keeping your alliance with Victor…you’ll find yourself without a Luna to your pack.”

d by her words, but he had heard her thoughts, everyone here had. She would also follow through. It was not a threat, their bond had been broken for weeks now. They both knew it. She did not want to reject her Mate and suffer the loss, to feel the pain. But she would do it if he couldn’t show her that he was loyal to her. That he wanted to protect his Mate, and her children, even if one was not biologically his. That should be important to him. But it was becoming clearer with every day that passed, he wanted Victor as an ally, regardless that Victor ha

fought over the years, and it always seemed over Luci. This was no different, she realised. He was still against Luci, likely always was going to be, because she’d never bled Luci to him. Their bond was not famil

his relationship with Luci? Did he fake it, the entire time? She had only been willing to accept him as her Mate if he had accepted her child.

and and she felt more than disappointed in him. She felt betrayed by him and his actions towards her.

this office, his claim to Luci, only because he knew what she was, already stated he’d find her someone to be Mated off to. He didn’t want her, just wanted what she was, to get him a good strong alliance with a bigger, stronger pack. Thatcher was

for himself.

, he’d never really cared about that, letting her find her true happiness. Had tried to Mate her off at nineteen and then again at twenty. Two years was not a long enough time to find one’s Mate. Some didn’t find them for ten years or twenty or more. Yet he’d been desperate to get her out of Nightfall and off of his ha

uci’s feelings or her happiness. Still didn’t now it seemed, this disappointed her to no end, and not just her, but Fallon as well.

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