The Alpha & Beta’s Regret – Chapter 75

Luci POV

To hear Rafe tell her, his and Jacks Mates were back in pack territory, her hands stilled. They had not really unpacked all that much of their actual belongings when they’d been brought here to the cottage. Most of it was still boxed up. But she was currently in the cottage boxing up the pantry with Nadia.

Who had heard about the move from either her Alpha or Beta and made her way over here with more boxes to help, stated she wanted to make sure that she and the twins had everything that they needed. Without having to worry about returning to the packhouse to get things on the odd occasion.

Luci, you go and be with the boys. We’ll all head off in my truck when your mother comes back.”

ith ease, though it was no longer Luci on the surface. It was all Alari, who looked at Nadia, nodded briefly and was gone out the front

at them, kept her tone lite, and they went back to running around. They were kicking a ball around.

d, before turning his attention back to the road.

ace. He bowed his head ever so slightly after the two women passed him, then turned and walked away ‘Who is that one?” Alari asked her.

ecall correctly, one of their most loyal.’

u,’ Alari stated ‘Why?’

of Alpha blood, he knows thi


nside the pack before.


mother.’ Alari answered her right back, w

tone was lite but curious.

is needed.’ Alari stated simply and then receded finally

“Like old times, are we all packe

dia could use our help…but.”

king back inside to help Nadia finish packing up the pantry.

ing to be able to be with them all the time. It was going to be difficult, and agitate them all the time, but she had to start it somewhere. Try and get herself, Kali and Alari used to it. Them, being out in the pack with the Luna and Beta’s Mate wandering around as well.

ad told their Mate’s about the boys yet. Nadia was just pulling away from the cottage when her mother was mind-linked and let out a somewhat heavy sigh “Nadia, could you let me out at the front of the packhouse please. Alpha Rafe has asked me to come in for a meeting.”

eady, I see.”

is that, something e

p the stairs and sighed to herself, surely if they wanted her mother i


“It’s not t

e and Jack,

as no ballistic Luna coming for her, stalking out of the packhouse glaring at her or the boys, for that matter.

tood and prepped dinner with her as well, even heard that they had, had a little bit of chocolate with their dessert last night and they’d not had a reaction to it, seeing that it was only small.

, was mind-linked by her mother to inform her that she would be severing herself from the pack for a short time. It was only temporary and would be reinitiated again in a little while.

ht away.

s odd, Luci, but I understand it. I agreed to do it.’

t, how long?’

er, and brought home…Luci, there will be added patrols around the house, likely Petra and her men.’

’ll keep dinner for you.’

he got home.

been nice to her when she’d lived here.

he other pups there.

dbabies are tasting everything. I get to see them every day now.”

hat mus

grandma and her treats.” She grinned now “I’m loving it, having little ones inside my house once more.”

softly “Spoiling them.”

ne of them into a chef.” She smiled big at

she had a Mate, Gil, to feed back home and a packhouse dining room to check on as well.

to her, but would likely come in handy she thought absently to herself.

ike it before. Knew her mother would technically be a rogue right now. No pack status. She was already severed from Nightfall, and now the Black Forest Pack as well. She would scent of a rogue as well until reinstated.

“All is well, Luci.” She smiled and was carrying a dessert box. “I brought a blackberry and apple tart.”

y were smiling up at her now.

own at them.

boys. “It’s got a white chocolate drizzle.”

. Were likely going to be addicted to it when they could just eat it at will. Watched them not only eat one slice but ask for a second. She let them, just hoped it wouldn’t upset their tummies too much.

her what happened and saw her smiling right at her “Nothing to worry about. Just trying to get around an or

likely she had been asked not to. It was probably serious pack-related business and therefore not for her. She was just a

Had trained every day and helped with fighting any rogues that needed deflecting, but that was pretty much it.

wondered about that now. Wondered if she’d chosen them long before she’d stupidly mated herself to them when she’d gone into heat, that one time.

d anyway.

ed over and stared outside, it wasn’t all that late, only 10pm, but she and the boys were used to going to bed early, by 8 or 9pm most nights. Had to so they could get up early and make break

that smelled it or saw it didn’t panic, she supposed.

leep in their, highly doubted it, but they seemed excited about a room to themselves. Both their eyes were wide “Mamma?” she heard the fear.

ns are six, and actively open to your pack wide mind-links. Please refrain from including them.’

honestly didn’t think about that.’

y.’ She sighed right ba

‘Luci, I do apologise.’

and cut the link once more. He didn’t re

This bed was much bigger than the one they normally shared, Alari was singing softly to them to settle their nerves, and she found her mother standing in the doorway. Waved her in as well, might as well have a sleep pile. She thought to herself.

e Siren pack” her mother chuckled softly “All piled up in one bed.”

ow you slept with father?”

round us, to hear him sing. Just like Alari does.”

she asked curiously.

or trying to settle the young ones.” Her mot

ci smiled herself. It was nice to know that Alari was just like her father, “Is it the same song?” she questi

their sound.”

ds, just sounds and tones, she felt connected to it and understood if it was happy or sad. Guess that was because they were one.

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