The Alpha King Call Boy – Chapter 146


The pieces started falling into place when I saw the ring in the bottom of my champagne glass. Then I looked up and discovered that Alexander was kneeling at my feet.

An overwhelming feeling of relief rushed through me, even before conscious thoughts about exactly what he was doing could come into focus.

e so long. But I need to tell you some things, and I have a question to ask you.”

hand. Laughed quietly under his breath.

the bottom of the glass. Then I was trying not to laugh until I could first swallow.

u might need to help me,” I said, passing

ips and out it came. A cloth napkin slithered off the table into his other hand, and he used that to wipe the ring dry.

t’s lovely,” I s

I hoped you’d like it.”

idding? It’s gorgeous.”

en to me. I want to marry you, and not just for the baby.”

eze back.

he first time I told you I wanted to marry you, I said some other stupid things—about it being a practical arrangement only, about it being temporary. I don’t want that anymore. I want a real marriage with you. I want to be with you… for as long as you’

nd took a pause, breathing deeply. I squeezed his hand again and succeeded in bringing his eyes back up to mi

etween halting breaths.


king his head like he was irritated with this memory. “I could never imagine settling down with anyone. But that was before I got to know you, and got to experience how wonderful it is to be with you. N

Alexander could hear it pounding, could feel my pulse thrumming in the palm of my hand.

ked. “Will you stay with me, raise our child together, and be my wife, my partner, my Luna Queen?”


my agreement, finally Alexander slid the precious, sparkling ring onto

you know my size?”

der smirked. “Nina.”

her number.”

ent; I looked around the room at all the roses, looked back at him kneeling on the floor – something in my chest felt like it was going to explode.

ead quickly to kiss my palm, like he always did when I touched him in this way, and we traded smiles.

ant to be apart, either,” I told him. “I wan

up the inside of my forearm, and up and up my arm until he was kissing my neck, and then…

re a fraction of an inch apart. Suddenly one of his hands was in my hair, holding the back of my head; the other was care

gold eyes was pure and earnest, and full of longing. His hot breath fell heavily onto my li

to kiss him.

love, I could admit now, that we’d been growing between us, and thank goodness. Alexander’s kiss would be true love’s kiss. That was what

t I w

itiate. He was waiting, hoping I was ready, and beginning to tremble with the force of restraint.

I was frozen


ld me she reciprocated my feelings.

e that. Trying to let me in.


all out there. I don’t know why the last part was so hard.

red the reward I might achieve if I did it, and that helped me to get the words out.

ale blue eyes.


ching hers.


. “Are you cold?”


uming a kneel. I hadn’t realized I’d all but climbed on top of her.

his moment all day, but it was only within the last couple minutes that I had surprised Fiona with all of i

eth started chattering.

ed it around her shoulders. Fiona looked up at me with a kind of helpless expression I’d never seen on her

hat forbidden kiss so desperately. Fiona had said yes to my proposal, and that was what mattered. She told me she wanted what I wanted—to be together—that was what mattered. I could be patient. We had all the time in the world ahead of us.

said, “Shall we eat now? You said you were hungry.”

and pulled me back to her, saying,


e,” I breathed.

eautiful smile.

’re ready.”

just… I don’t know what I’m doing.”

iously he took this, how respectful and patient he was

d his jacket off, letting it fall down onto the chair behind me. “Yes. I’m sure.”

hair back behind my shoulders. I watched my hands drifting up his chest, moving to his neck and circling it.

kiss?” I asked.

e smiled, looking amused, and said, “Okay, baby. Whatever you want.”

d one finger under my chin and gently angled my face upward, bent his f

closed and my heart leapt up into my throat.

rted my lips as he moved his across mine, and then his tongue slipp

ell. My body went weak and I discovered that I wanted nothing mo

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