The Alpha King Call Boy – Chapter 205


“Been a while since this entrance has been used,” I mumbled, sliding my fingers along the mortared seams of the ancient brick fireplace. After a few seconds of feeling around, I recognized the right spot by touch and took a knee in front of it. Yes, there it was- just enough space carved into the mortar that I could grip the front edges of one of the bricks, and pull on it…

The loose brick came forward about an inch, but that was as far as it would go. When I met resistance I released the brick and it slid right back into its place. I heard movement from within the wall to the left of the fireplace a couple seconds later, and then finally a large wooden wall panel began to creak open, sloughing a thick layer of dust off its top edge as it pivoted forward into the room.

le of dust in the air as billions of them suddenly hovered and swirled all around us.

his face.

ha King’s study, and each adjoined a hidden passageway. The one in th

d through the slowly settling dust cloud and entered

stone walls. ” Any change yet, any updates?”


othing more to be said on that topic.

ory, a heavy, steel-reinforced wooden door that locked from this side. I slid back a steel bar to open the lock and eased the door open. It creaked on metal hinges rusty from long disuse. Once inside, I felt the cold wall

r side,within and upon which were stored all varieties of weapons and ammunitions.

ist he had prepared ahead of time. Then we started our slow tour of the armory, which we were here to inventory.

list of other items to order, as well—new and updated weapons we’d need for the coming battle.

e werewolf wars of old. These weapons – swords, flails, steel traps

express purpose of fighting the undead.

nished our count in the armory and returned to my st

rge tonight.”


g,” I mumbled absently.

he order?”

y from my Beta while I thought over what I was about to say. When the click-clacking patter of his fingers on the keyboard suddenly stopped, I figured tha

. “I’m thinking about something… something else. Not something that a blacksmith can make.”

tion for the sudden chill in the room. Thick gray clouds were darkening the morning sky, and distant trees swayed dramatically under hea


d a new

x, tell me you don’t mean a bomb.”

ich was answer enough.

mbing the canyon, Alex. We can’t-“

can’t, Kayden. I’d never endorse a pl


t triggering a massive collapse or avalanche, or other natural disaster…”

d his jaw twitched on both sides. He was thinking that I was insane right now, but he knew better than speak out of turn.

on about our available options, and hear from them exactly what they’d predict the consequences of using such weapons in such an environment would be.”

e in to get fires started in the fireplaces.

e and nutrition boosted our moods as well as our energy.

focused shifted to a discussion of other strategies, now that we had completed our weapons in

d to find a pack that we can ally with near

ted on the wall. “There’s nothing out here, Alex, for hundreds of miles. The resort is the o

that stretch of highway.

ay, somewhere.


thought already. “I’ll look into it.

e resort. We need to find a pack that we can trust that can quarter us until daylight on the morning of the attack.”

m was#Chapter 205: A new kind of weapon

ear the canyon that was capable of helping us.

e, and we would have to be very careful about how we even started asking for such help.

ally with us against the vampires. But almost an

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