The Alpha King Call Boy – Chapter 207

Third person

“You’re a disgrace,” Scarlet muttered under her breath. “You just throw your clothing on the bathroom floor and leave it there…”

“That’s what servants are for, Mother. I’ve never had to do servants’ work a day in my life. You want me to start now?”

dicum of courtesy while we are stuck here together…”

Oh, would you give me a f*****g break?” Lucas groaned. He was lying flat on his back in his messy

you turn into the helpless, insolent man-child you are today.”


closed his eyes, his body remembered how helpless Donovan’s supernatural strength had made him feel. And his brain reminded him how totally vulnerable he and his mother were inside this godforsaken hotel.

hit the bars or find someone to hook him up with weed or pills, either. He did not like the way sobriety felt at all. It was something he hadn’t experienced in years. His body ached and his mind churned with now inescapable thoughts, fears and regrets, and all kinds of ideas-good, bad, and rea

aused them both to startle into silence.

rlet opened the door for Donovan. Her old friend was

s drifted from Scarlet to Lucas, who was now seated upright in his bed attempting to watch the happenings at the door out of the periphery of averted eyes.

d aside and Donovan strolled forward, ducking slightly u

d casually. “I’ll have the staff come by while we are out.”


r, a change of scenery perhaps.” His thin lips curled into a taunting smile.

looked a bit rosy. He had recently been feeding.

h safer for our kind, and our allies, to enjoy the resort’s amenities. Come, join me for a little stroll and I will show you…”

, trying to act calm.

ead but kept in stride beside him. They’d traveled downstairs to the main floor of the hotel, finding it not completely empty but eerily quiet in the lobby, which had been densely packed with rowdy tourists and bustling staff the last time Lucas had seen it.

ressionless eyes, working their tasks robotically.

whatever kind of mind control it was that vampires were able to perform. Lucas had heard of such things, of course, but he’d never witnessed the phenomenon for himself. And h

ant to be hypnotized, not if he could help it. He could see, peeking out the edges of his vision, that their vampire chaperone was smiling at him. Perhaps Donovan was listening, amused, to the sound of the young werewolf’s anxious heart thunderin

ter, moving water and loud music with a slow, heavy bass beat.

this doorway, he’d found a crowd of tourists lounging and partying poolside and crowding two small outdoor bar areas outside.


msuits or lingerie and others fully nude, were reclining on cabana couches under the moonlight, engaging in intimate acts in dark corners, and floating lazily in the heated, pink-hued pool

to pour into low or empty crystal goblets rimmed with purplish-red drips and lip marks.

the pool, a huge golden throne had been installed upon a low stage that Lucas recalled having been used previously as a DJ booth. And upon the red-cushioned throne sat the vampires’ hulking, horned leader, seated comfortably with his legs lazily spread, his head back and his deep, dark eyes half closed. Ca

ting,” Donovan announced, leading


ed, surprising himself.

sleep deprivation and his fear of this place was shooting his adrenaline up to an all-time high.

carlet’s eyes went round

efore his throne. He focused his gaze on Lucas. “I’ve been looking forward to making your acquaintance, young man.”

ide forehead. He stood and took a single step forward. “Call it… morbid curiosity,” he answered mysteriously.

he resort,” Lucas quipped sarcastically, having nothing else to say and, for whatever reason, unable to stop himself from t

osity. “We are finally starting to feel comfortable in our new home.”

as muttered.


und deep in her throat, trying to

even be safe from daylight?”

of Lucas, inches away and glaring down at him with pure venom in his black eyes. Both vampires had their mouths ajar and their fangs extended. They had taken the wolf’s wildly inappropriate inquiry as a direct threat.

is very stupid.

ell them you meant no harm!”

was in fact true, after Lucas’s recent comment about wanting to go crawling back to Alexander, Her doubt was apparent in the weak, thin tenor of her voice.

k his head at her reprovingly, and then took a step backward

n clamped his teeth down into

ucas screamed, writhing in pain, while the eager vampire tightened his grip around the young man’s body and sucked his blood with hungry fervor and a garish symphony of slurping, sucking

ntenance was a portrait of horror as she watched, shocked mute and frozen in place.

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