The Alpha King Call Boy – Chapter 21


The doors opened to reveal a high, high ceiling painted with elaborate scenes of werewolves in battle. Sparkling chandeliers hung low every fifty feet casting an amber light throughout the room. A table seating at least fifty ran the length of the room. The scent of wildflowers perfumed the air. Alexander and I entered the Great Hall.

Alexander propelled me forward into the room with grace and confidence. There were others already gathering in small groups. I recognized Scarlet, her rude steward, and several of the noble women from the tea party now accompanied by their husbands. Alexander settled into one of the small circles of couples. Kayden and Nina went to grab drinks. I wondered which one of these men was the King and which could be the half-brother, Lucas.

ing behind.

ace,” cried Scarlet.

, anger hot in my veins.

coming. I pushed Alexander out of my way, glaring at her. She would not see me cower.

t didn’t move. The tension in the room was thick a

Alexander’s and black as the darkest storm with silver streaks. His eyes were a rich amber, and he was well built, but his features were not as sharp as Alexander’s, hav

the King.

Blood from my lip marked his hand.

d. Instantly, I did not like the King.

om with the guards? How would she even know how to get there?”


re and in the royal family.

uld have used one of the many hidden passageways to bypass them.”

y his father’s words. So much for him being reasonab

wledge shared on the internet.”

butler next to her cried out.

speak to royalty like that. There has been no Marking Ceremony.” The butler tried to smack me, and Alexander caught his hand and kicked him hard in the gut, knocking him back onto the flo

k of fear flashed in Scarlet’s eyes. Things were not going as she had hoped.

ry to touch her again, and I will kill you. You have no rights here,” Alexander growled to the man. I touched his arm softly, reminding him I was fi

al a necklace?” I said, curi

he other.

oon pack. They are trash.”

n to smolder in my heart.

his jaw.

n pack and the daughter from a remote place who doesn’t have the grace to be present

om the tea party.

seen the video. I stared at the King while doing this and then at Scarlet. Nina and Kayden stood next to Alexander, now wearing expressions of fear. All eyes were on me.

o nothing.”

of panicking.

ard. “Bring my wife’s maid, Susan.”

oke out among the nobles, and the King growled at them. They all quieted.

ered moments later, accompanied by the soldier. S

he King said. I did.

rance to make Fiona do what she wanted.”

and complaining to the Alpha King.

uldn’t have to do such things. He should not be here. They both should be punished for making fools of us.”

arlet to stand up, then scolded her half-heartedly.

o Alexander.

d you’ll be punished for it as well.”

his stepmother, but his own biological father had also been neglecting him, allowing him to be bullied.

and argue with Alexander’s father, but Alexander stopped me and shook his head.

rby table. A man tall and lean staggered toward the group resembling Scarlet. This must be Luca

is sides.

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