The Alpha King Call Boy – Chapter 45


“Thank you for setting up that interview,” I said to Alexander, as soon as we were alone in the dining room, our glasses and dinner plates full.

He looked at me with mild surprise, paused, then shook his head.

ank me. Once I realized that your talents were available, I knew I needed to make Uncle C

him down, considering this.

and truly believed, more than ever, in my own skill, strength, and aptitude.

ed Conrad hire me, but the man could have said no. And I’m not one to look a gift horse in the mouth.

” Alexander asked, his face breaking in


e it.” He extended his hand across the table, open palm


pt that night, but not for the fun reaso

rview was exciting, but it also meant I had nearly no time at all to prepare.

the interview. “You’ll train on the job. I wouldn’t hire you if you didn’t already have everything you need to h

es mission statement from their website. Not like there was going to be a pop quiz or anything.

I finished pressing a deep maroon lipstick into my lips and stepped back, smiling. I felt like myself again.

ainly not what Conrad Knight was expecting from a new project manager.

his desk when his secretary ushered me inside his corner office when I arrived. He kept pace with his conversation while


“Fiona, how are you this morning?”

“Excellent,” he

ld, the sky outside just starting to turn pale peach with the rising sun.

a little earlier tomorrow. New employees tend to forget about the time it takes to get through security downstairs. Perfectly understandable.”

“These are yours. ID badge, you don’t have to wear that around your neck, but keep it on you. And your elevator key.”

e pocket of my jacket.

od abruptly then and clapped his big hands together. I

ew by in a blur.

nbox started loading. It was already full of hundreds of things I needed to sort through immediately.

ecutives on the top floors, introducing me with charismatic pride. A half dozen other short meetings followed,

d indeed when the dish I requested, a salmon salad, arrived at my desk just minutes later, complete with proper flatware, a carafe of lemonade, and a plate of assorted cookies.

ing my giant salad bowl in one hand while typing with the other, in the little gaps between the many meetings and calls I was required to attend.

vely pulling a chain to turn on a desk lamp as the room darkened.

ing the midnight oil al

e clock on my computer and found it was, in fact, ten minutes to midnight.

it tomorrow.”

lied. “But since I have you right now, can I

ut through the tall glass at the colorful lights of the city below.

ad those reports you sent m

“What kind of proble

at first, that someone had stolen from the escrow account. The withdrawals were pennies on the dollar more than the amounts approved, but for some reason the bank allowed them to go through anyway. It’s pennies at a time, but with weekly payments over the past ten years, it has added up…”

een glow of the monitor, and I watched as the wrinkles in his forehead deepened while he read the comparison reports I had started.

ack and looked at me. “And?”

contract, if you can believe it. That’s all. It just we

the eye and the wrinkles on his face started moving around again, finally settling into what I could only describe as an expression of true bewi

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