The Alpha King Call Boy – Chapter 53


“There she is,” Conrad said, a broad, toothy grin on his face as he rounded the corner into my office. “My superstar.”

I squinted at my boss, looking for a trace of sarcasm on his face. But he seemed to be acting genuinely. I didn’t reply, waiting for an explanation for this sudden effusion of praise and suspicious cheerfulness.

odd. He had never sat down in here before, and his large frame looked out of place in a chair designated for vi

m into moving up the close date, but I didn’t actually think they’d give me the first date that I asked for.”

ogether in front of his chest, making a steeple with his big hands. He looked to the right, studyin

already.” Gerald, my coworker who had laughed in my face the day he learned that I was trying to la

dry while my tea water boiled.

he said quietly. “How are you pulling it off?”

nch alone in the break room while reading a newspaper.

ombination of fatigue and newly emerging confidence making me recklessly honest for the moment. “Wildly lowballing negotiations just to see what would happen. Weeks of sleep deprivation and a total lack of work-life balance. Ha.”

oze, a forkful of steak tartare suspended in the air abo

my tea.

him a polite smile.

ing stunned, and nodded once before I slipped away.


oardroom, shaking with anger.

not be killed, no matter how many plots Scarlet devised to put him in harm’s way. Her son’s rival seemed to survive everything, always coming crawling back, like a cockroach.

er business dealings. For years, she labored over strategic acquisitions and investments, working toward a long-term plan that had only just begun bringing in that beautiful, endless influx of cash she’d been waiting on. And now, Alexander and his pregnant whore were again interfering in her business.

h that Alexander had revealed to the King that Scarlet had been embezzling from the royal accounts. His accusations had not yet been definitively proven, but they did leave Scarlet scrambling to hide evidence before it cou

ad a series of housing tracts under construction and would be leasing them within a month.

er’s pretty, young Luna fast-tracked her deals.

bout it being Fiona’s doing just made it so much worse.

to defy the queen in public. Not once, but twice. And now the bitch was coming after Scarlet’s money. That was the line. It had been c

into the room than Scarlet considered to be necessary. “But are you ready to start the meeting? I have the board of directors waiting. They’re all here, Ma’am. I mean, Your Highness

d, pleased when the girl went away without further awkward chatter.

be, the amount of money you are asking to invest in this price war, on top of the ad campaign, is simply beyond the realm of possibility.”



hing to counter-attack.”

“Aye” or “Nay.”

oard president after all the votes had been cast.

of his shoulders.

ure everyone knows they can’t trust Crescent Ventures and remind them of their loyalty to our brands.”

er did so meekly, never supporting that dissent with their votes.

t was, simply, better to h

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