The Alpha King Call Boy – Chapter 62

“I was surprised when I got your text,” Alexander said with a smile, meeting me at the door. “And happy to hear that you could finally get out of the office at a reasonable hour. I have to say, I do like it when you’re back here with me before sundown.”

“Me too.” I gave him the softest smile I could manage and started to put away my things.

I’d given it a lot of thought on the drive home. My strange discovery from this morning explained a lot, actually. Why Alexander involved himself with stopping his stepmother from sabotaging my project. Why he didn’t tell me about it. And why he always had such a keen interest in hearing about my work. But it also, of course, raised even more questions. Bigger questions.

the room, getting myself settled. “It sounded last night like everything was just about to t

the time together is important,” I said, my

, “I’m glad to hear that.”

other project managers was assigned to help me with whatever I need. Having him on the team has been a game changer.”

mountain of work still waiting for me on my desk. But I had hurried through my meetings, skipped lunch, and worked super fast all afternoon so that I could leave by five, all because I needed tim

r and readying myself for dinner. “I’m glad Conrad is setting you up for success.”

Alexander speak about his uncle being my boss, and it got me wondering. Was it really Conrad’s decision, as I had assumed, to assign Gerald to help me with the expansion? Or could that actually have been Alexander’s idea, because he wanted t

able questions I had swirling around in my mind.

t I did it, nodding, without hesitation, and let him pull me in close. I wanted him to think that everything was normal right now, because I didn’t want to have to confront him directly

re deciding how I felt about the whole thing.

asking me work-related questions in the context of our dinner dates, as he’d just called them.

ng to eat lunch? Had I been eating enough? Was I taking breaks during those long workdays?

h time for food, water, and bathroom.

g at me with a mildly critical

on to the inquiry I had been expecting.

g, using the small delay to choose my words carefully. “Good,” I answered. “Productive. Gerald – that’s my colleague I told you about, the other project manager who was added to my

ted a hint of jealousy in his voice, which I had not been expecting or attempting to incite.

liked it. It just reminded me that Alexander desired me.

been very respectful to me,” I explained. “That’s been a refreshing dynamic. And it’s wond

of my body whenever he had a free hand. “That’s great,” he said, with a very casual tone that I now perceived to be well-rehearsed.

his were a casual observation. It wasn’t a question, but it did invite a response. It was the perfect opportunity for Alexander to tell me about his big accomplishment. That he had just closed a tremendous business deal.

ful,” looking down at his plate. “I ran a long training session this morning. I suppose I am feeling some relief that the men are improving their

ng, watching his body language and waiting for more.

smile, he did not succeed – a tiny bit of it lingered behind. “Looks like she’s going to court next month to stand trial for the embezzlement charges.”

ood, I guess.”

e my father would actually go through with a trial. I considered that he might excuse her of all charges, whether or not he believed she was guilty.”

was suddenly racing on a rather troubling theme and I was lost to my thoughts, hard

he was, after all, a proxy for his rival to the throne, and clearly there was even more bad blood between the two of them than I knew about.

ure his own status as Alpha King.

e to do it.

affection, supportive words, and nice gestures were part of the manipulation, too. Perhaps Alexander was another good actor, just like his uncle who winked at me and gave me praise and pep talks in the office. Perhaps it was all just a management strategy.

sure of Alexander’s intentions without hearing it from his own lips. But if he was not going to afford me the luxury of an honest explanation, all I could do was continue

be wary.

nd this man, who could very well be using me like a pawn on a chessboard.

armth and affection, and stroked my neck in a way that sent a tingle down my spine.


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