The Assassin’s Billionaire Bodyguard – Chapter 1

Isabella walked into her apartment and grinned as her dog Casper barked excitedly doing spins in front of her. “Hello boy,” she scooped him up in her arms and accepted his happy licks of welcome.

She laughed at the zealous intensity of his attentions. No matter what the rest of her day had brought, coming home to Casper was always the highlight of her day. Some days she needed him more than others but today had been a decent day and he sensed she was calm and ready to just have fun with him.

She grabbed his leash off the hook by the front door and helped him into his harness while he danced excitedly. Had anyone told her having a Dachshund as an emotional support dog was possible, she would have thought them crazy, yet she and Casper were inseparable. He was her best friend.

s walking out the door and after checking the call display, she put the phone to her ear as she stepped back out the brown stone home she owned in Que

ainst the cool fall air.


she was nineteen, her family had remained a tad overprotective. Usually though, her brother Elian, married to her boss and knew all of their secrets, was a bit more relaxed. She wondered what he really wanted.

g in the background?”

old be so damn defiant?”

ust wanted

ple in the world who knew she was more than an actuary, so his concern was odd. “I’m fine. Just out walking Casper.”

ot a real dog you kno

ped dryly, “he will eat your face.” Her brother laughed in her ear, and she rolled her eyes again, “tell me why you are checking in to make

if you knew Evgeni was back in town?”

hem down the street.

was trying to be a good big brother.

d to know his whereabouts.”

my older brother,” she shuddered at the notion. “I’d sooner talk to mom.”

un she’d had with the Russian but not enough to cry over. He had been her first lover but not her last and she was okay with it.

e winter snow. “Is there anything else you need, or can I hang up now?”

te. Hold on.”

er eyes as he fumbled with his phone. How someone as composed as Clara put u


comings and goings boss?” she walked slowly back to her front door.

ead of me.” Clara’s chuckle made her smile.

was on Calvin’s desk when he got in tomorrow morning. He had asked for

in,” Clara said seriously. “He’s working you too hard.”


e working too hard to avoid Evgeni,” Clara was blunt.

ter-in-law. There was no beating around the bush, no pretences. She was who she was, and she made no excuses for it.

as a girlfriend. I’m keeping my distance.” She stepped up to the stairs and unlocked the door.

who needs to be knocked down a peg or two. Her father has done her no favors with her.”

eyes. “Well, I didn’t think she came from a middle-class family given her last s

Clara asked incredulously.

o she was, it was too late to unfollow her otherwise I’d look like I cared. I have enough insanity in my life without adding my ex’s crazy new girlfriend to it yet, here we are.”

ner,” Clara said suddenly.

. “I heard Callie in the background, and I know you will use me as a distraction so you two can go hookup somewhere in your glass castle. Not happening. Amelia is supposed to come over and we’re supposed to watch the h

u could bring her here,” C

watching my niece and nephew explore the terrible twos is not it.”

ndulged her every whim and then left when she was overstimulated and exhausted.”

d. “I love you Clara and I love those little demons, but I love them when they are happy and in good moods and want to play horsey on the big doggies.” A knock on her door had her looking over her shoulder as her sister popped through the door. “Amelia is here. I need to go.”

l table. “Clara and Elian begging me to go over.”

uy is perfect!” She giggled as she accepted his kiss hello.

roommate. He eats whatever I make him, he never talks back, a

ng and was thriving.

ook her phone in her hand, “so I’m on call but for now, I’m all yours.”

d passed her sister one. “I ordered pizza on my way home. It should be here soon.”


t and not from Elian’s new pizza joint. W

you hear he has a televis

hey have enough press without him actually appearing on tv.”

Clara asking me again to babysit, I’ll lose my mind.”

iately recognizing the number. She hit decline. She tossed the phone on the coffee table and flopped down beside her sister who was scrolling through her phone.

nding board to work through whether or not he’s making a good decision.”

ur first.”

pped back, “so he shouldn’t be so damn concerned about my thoughts. He thinks because he had my virginity part of me will always belong to him. I


rt and funny but he’s also self-centered and more concerned with li

sked quietly.

ep. “He would have kept walking and let those thugs hurt that girl in the alley.”

“Good thing Clara taught you self-defence and

imaced as her phone started ringing again. “Hit decline on my phone, will you? I can’t be bothered tonight. Tonight, I’m hanging with my sister, my dog, watching the game, drinking beer, and eating pizza.”

r way back to the living room. Her sister was making a face. “Does he always sen

urned her phone off. “The only time he does s**t like this is when he’s fighting with a girl.”

abella flipped open the pizza box and grinned, “the worst part is, I believed him when he told me h

“Imagine being so rich and spoiled nobody has the guts to tell you your d**k is small and you’re a one-pump chump. What could be wors

ying to find your groove, I’ll let you keep the thought.”

d and his current girlfriend out of her head. She had no desire to be embroiled in his antics and caught in the middle of his relationship.

she knew she couldn’t be with Evgeni any longer.

a dance club when they’d heard the girl’s screams of terror coming from the alley. Instantly Isabella had walked toward it, but he’d pulled her back telling her to mind h

k. She’d stayed with the girl until the

last three years, she had been able to maintain her decision to not be involved with him. She hadn’t heard from him in almost six months now.

ed contentedly with the action. She kissed his furry head and smiled. Who needed a man when a girl had a perfectly acceptable dog to cuddle?

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