The Assassin’s Billionaire Bodyguard – Chapter 12

Isabella walked out her front door knowing she looked good. The burgundy silk pantsuit fit her to a tee and made her already long legs appear even longer. She wore a long black coat she left unbuttoned, so the torso of the outfit was exposed. It draped provocatively, loosely exposing a flash of skin with each step and then sliding back to hide her flesh again.

She saw the appreciative gaze of the man leaning against the fancy car and drank in his appearance. His barrel chest was perfectly fitted in a suit jacket and a deep navy shirt opened at the collar. He had dark trousers which hugged his narrow waist, and his long legs were kicked out as he watched her approach him. He looked arrogant and very aware of how damn good he looked. His sandy hair was slicked back, and his green eyes watched her intently. She shivered as he let his gaze look her up and down dwelling on where her cleavage flashed in and out of sight.

“Torres,” she shook her head with a grin, “you look good.”

g to provoke me.”

lexed his legs on the clutch and pushed the start, bringing the engine roaring to life. “Nice ride.”

t ride. It’s a Porsche Cayman and she is my baby.”

ances you have a car, a Porsche, and a daughter, Portia, and they are both your babies? You’re a cliché, Torres.”

am, but at least I own it. Damn you look good Isabe


ad him with you Friday night,” she said seriously, “and the ti

f my work, oftentimes I am at risk. You disappeared from a restaurant without a trace. I called Gideon to help me track you down.”


nt you can protect us both on your own?”

g again. “Are you going to drive this monstrosity or stare at me all night, Torres?”

plimented her as he put the car in gear.

better,” she laughed, “this grin cost my dad five grand and three years of torment in my most formative mid

e sidewalk.

es huh,” he asked as he k

es, was five eight in grade eight and was smarter than all the kids in my school combined.”

els,” he let his gaze travel the length of her legs.

ine,” she confirmed his guess, “in bare feet.”

as quiet for a moment and then sighed, “Torres, what

lly misconstrued her question.

what I mean. I thought about it and your logic of us dating will

used on the road in front of him.

rous you are. Each message is odder than the last.”


my charge safe.”

t, so she knew the whispers not on paper were likely a hundred-fold worse.

the corner of his eye, “does this bother you? Does my work bother you?”

new her activities with Bellona, he wouldn’t ask such a question, but Bellona w


“No, Torres,” she chuckled at th

then on dating?”

or dating is flawed.” She repeated

were using me to get his attention, but he wanted to be with her. He told her you were trying to come between them, and he loved her and would stop at nothing to get her

s in frustration.

e Jezebel and very much believes every bit of s**t coming from the a*****e’s mouth.”

your problem now.”

st. He threaded his fingers over the top of her hand and had her hold the stick shift with him.

he way he held her hand over the knob with a sassy grin.

a mutually beneficial relationship.”

manipulating the gear, overtly demonstrating his prowess in controlling the powerful machine he drove. Clearly, he was a master of foreplay, making her aware he was adept in what he set out

e going?”


aurant equivalent of a hedonism resort. The food was designed to drive the libido and the atmosphere was supposedly sexually charged.

of place Torres.”

ple to get to know each other better. Are you game?”

es, I am game. Against all my better judgements I’m game.”

ortia or Evgeni. I want to know more about Isabella Carolina Ruiz.”

was, who my first kiss was and my salary from Draxton down to the penny.”


chuckle ma

the keys to the valet and then took her hand and tucked it through his elbow.

ite silk, fastened at the shoulder by a gold clip.

in the entire establishment. Every table was a rounded booth of high-backed black leather benches with the single openings blocked b

slide in beside her. “Well, this is cozy,” she said as he sat next to her thigh-to-thigh.

the hostess, her hair was piled high on her head in an array of platinum blonde spirals. Her make-up was dark, her lipstick bright

am your hostess for the evening. I’ll give you the rundown of what you can expect, the things we expect and then we will get started.”

ter their next mission.

will not be given more food than you can manage, and each course is thoughtfully prepared by the chef. If for some reason, you dislike the course, then please let me know immediately and the chef will make adjustments to the remainder. The menu is meant to involve your sensations, taste yes, but also smell, sight, sound, and touch. Use your hands, share your meal, and communicate with each other over the experience. Three,” she paused and took a breath, “our booths promote privacy to allow for an intimate dinner between two consenting adults. However, there is no s*x allowed in our restaurant. None. No amount of money wi

as if Isabella hadn’t interrupted her with coughing. “Four, you are not permitted to enter any other of our patrons table space. There is a direct path to and from the lavatory if needed. Five, and finally,” she smiled he


t Isabella’s question. “As long as you agree to the ru

friend at a nearby table and I go say hi.”

acklisted from ever returning to our restaurant

ng else, he put his hand on her knee under the table. “My date and I will be on our b

y with water and amuse-bouches.”

’s hand off her knee where his thumb had been running circles. “What the hell is this

nd delicious sound reverber

let us go at it like monkeys on the floor.”

y than brains who have done exactly what she suggested.”


be up for an adventure.”

nk I’m a horny dog.”

they going to serve to make us want to tear each other’s clothes off?”

r of her dress. “This outfit alone has me desperate to see it on the floor by my bed.”

private space and Isabella was wondering what she had just signed up for.

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