The Assassin’s Billionaire Bodyguard – Chapter 31

Isabella entered the dining room surprised to find not just Cam, Portia, and Gideon but also five other men and one woman.

“Isabella,” Cam stood up from his seat and motioned for her to sit between him and Gideon. He was wearing a pair of perfectly fitted and faded jeans she knew he’d probably worn a hundred times by the way they molded to his frame and a black t-shirt. He motioned to the only woman at the table. “This is Myriam. She’s the best damn housekeeper on the planet and she keeps this rowdy group of animals in line.”

She nodded, “it’s nice to meet you, Myriam.”

elieve you met Mickey earlier when you first arrived.” He introduced the other four men.

introduced but hey,” she waved to the guard who had shown her the way to Cam’s bedroom. She heard a sound under the table and turned her head to look on Gideon’s lap. “I was wondering where he had disappeared to. He was there while I was showering and then he disappeared. You can’t keep him on your lap while you eat

he woman who imports his treats from Spain,” Cam threw at her. He pointed down the table and in

per’s ears. “They’re anchovies I brought back as a joke for my brothers pizza shop and discovered he really loves them. He gives me such p

plate of potatoes to her.

pport dogs is hard to find and when I did find one, the wait list is crazy long. Then you have to wait for them to go through training to see if they’re actually able to be declared an emotional support dog.”

ed rudely.

d way to make someone feel safe. She was thinking a German Shephard. She was so disappointed.”

exactly doe

abella added the vegetables Gideon had just passed her to her plate and then pass

u had a panic

ears. He made them go away within three months of having him.”

ircles on the sofa earlier?” P

nhale,” she rolled her hand forward and completed a circular motion, “and then you exhale it completes a cycle which is never ending. His breeder likes this sign as a reminder to breathe. It’s what he learned as a puppy. He does have other signs but a lot of them he doesn’t use at

e him?”

a!” Cam f

He hated him, and the feeling was mutual. I rarely stayed with Evgeni at his place because of it.”

could and it is to give me peace.” She sighed, “you know what he’s like. He likes to be the centre of attention. If people come into a room and see a small dog, they rush to the small dog and pat him and coo over him. It took the attention away from him.”

d quietly, “he once told me he’d never let me get

ussed living together?” Cam’s voice raised considerably, and Isabella kicked him under the table. He glared at her and pres

was a hypothetical conversation. A girl we had met had a dog i

eally good. Thank you so much. This must have taken you all day.”

things your brothers make.”

toes and vegetables over some of their concoctions. I stopped by to see them on Saturday

y for the weekend?” Portia int

he resort, we go down and make up numbers. It’s off-season right now. I told her Saturday how much I just wanted a weekend away from the drama and she set it up. It pays to have important family sometimes.”


n’t reach him.”

y night in Rio doing shots with the girls.” She looked to Cam, “pretty sure there is video of me with the bartender you don’t want to see.”

m the dog he was sneaking bits of chicken to.

itated inquisitive stare.

ding her gaze.

phone with the video playing, “well, since your dad already saw it, I guess he won’t care then.”

Isabella and two other girls doing body shots. “He’s attractive.”

a thing for oversized thugs with bad manners and an inability to respect my privacy.”

right place,” Mickey qu

r have you done enough digging?”

nderstanding of women.”

e this?”

too far. Isabella’s family is protective of her and rightly so. W

f but she’s not really pretty and she’s short. Dad, people don’t talk to you this way.”

me really smart people.” Isabella shook her head, “what the hell she sees in my doofus of a brother I’ll never know but I’m so glad she married him because my life is so much better for it.”

ple times at Mikhail’s. He’s funny as hell.”

ts me out to my mother every

Portia latched on to more info and Isabella half wondered if she wasn’t digging for something.

to me doing anything now since I don’t live at home. The night I went out with your dad the first time, she called me to demand if I was dating some old white rich guy just to give her a heart attack.”

ckled. “It was funny.”

e.” Casper sighed knowing he was beat and jumped off Gideon’s lap and skulked off to his new bed

ther think of you fighting with swords like you did with Gideon?” Portia asked suddenly. “If she’s religious she probably doesn’t like violence.”


d. “Would she be mad?”

hen she’s in trouble with mom.”


ther. When their mother gets upset with them for something, they throw someone else under the bus.” He chewed a piece of chicken, his eyes laughing. “When I was there w

ody can really get into trouble with mom if you’re all passing the buck.”

started it when they were little.”

g the good humor.

a’s direction also curious to know the answer.

nd choose a different path but the skills I learned while prepping for the academy stuck.”

“That’s really cool,” Portia said suddenly. She

saving with this girl after all.

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