The Assassin’s Billionaire Bodyguard – Chapter 35

Isabella managed to get through her presentation with no errors and in the end, she and Calvin had managed to convince the Board, and more importantly Clara, while her pet project wasn’t completely dead in the water, it simply wasn’t viable from a risk standpoint in the current economy.

As she and Calvin made their way back to the office, he grinned at her. “You did really good in there. You held your own against Clara’s questioning like a rockstar.”

“I won’t lie, being pissed off at her helped,” she gave a shake of her head.

y?” he asked kindly

ou off.”


irst and ask. She told me you were late this morning because she ha

her on speaker. “Can I go to lunch at the deli? Calvin says I need permission.”

when Ben’s and Cam’s teams are scrambling behind you like wild ponies.” She paused, “grab me a pastrami on rye?”


ap with marinated tofu.”

up in my mouth,” Isabella said with a s

It’s in an insula

“I’ll bring you back a sandwich.” She paused and sighed, “and thanks Clara.”

ime kiddo

n sourdough.

ked on Lisa’s door. “Hey, going to the deli. Comin

candy and gossip not involving who is getting

y personal bodyguards pretending their ginormous frames are invisible on the streets of Manhattan.”

th background?” Lisa asked curiously.

make me love him. He even went to my mom’s. Stupid i***t forge

think?” Lisa had been Isabella’s work wife for a long time, and they shared many lunches commiserating.

or needs. Too desperate for someone to love her she hooked onto Evgeni.”

her dad’s muscle around, she probably doesn’t have to do anything for herself.”

be loved and she plays the dumb blonde card too well.”


o figure out who she is before someone like Evgeni

a great stepmom,” Lisa teased her

Enjoy the gun show Lisa. Two guys across the street, one by the light and one by the coffee shop.” She wondered if Cam was trying to do a mine-is-bigger-than-yo

with a giggle.

their direction. At the lights she and Lisa crossed the street causing the two men to regroup.

now why I dared to leave the safety of my office.”

Evgeni is crazy,” her tone was incredulous.

s house last night and threatened her.” At Lisa’s surprised


i. I’m going


cuous. It’s like being followed around by human Great Danes.”


She asked me to bring her back pastrami on rye,” she shrugged. “I told you before Torres, I can take care of myself. Now I have four guards with me as well. I have enough muscle someone’s going to think I’m importa

“Go to the deli and then straight back to the office.”

luncheon date in the deli, and we are going to watch the blue-eyed deli God shred meat and make sandwiches and then when my daydreams have all been realized, I’ll let

ately antagonis

He interrogated me for an hour this morning about things I can’t control. I’m


found herself increasingly at odds with the events. She was glad he was off the street but angry she hadn’t been part of the team who extracted him from his friend’s house or that he still had his head attached to his shoulders. “We also have four men watching us overtly and if Cam Torres is worth his salt as a security protection expert, there are others we haven’t noticed yet.”

ve the man behind

“You’re back. Going to blow more kisse

epends on how good my sandwich is.”

meat,” he deliberately mad

the question, “he says if you’re late, he’ll tell Myriam to hold dinner until you guys are both home.”

back at the man behind the counter and ordered her sand

ss your cagey a*s. No, wait,” he paused and looked up from his phone, “he said caged a*s. I think he wants your a*s in a cage.”

icing meat and not for her. She didn’t like being claimed, “remind your boss what happened the last time he tried to stake a claim where there wasn

the last time he tried to stake a claim where there wasn’t one?”

gave her a surprised glance and a thumbs up.

the deli, “he says he’s already going t

and I’m going to seriously enjoy the view while I am dining out.”

I’m not telling him. I like my job and my life.”

wenty-two for you Mickey,” she shrugged, “you tell him, and he gets antsy, you don’t tell him and then I tell him later he’s going to wonder why you didn’t tell him.”

p being so cranky,” a hot voice whispered in he


and improve her mood or provoke the beast and see whether I get the answers I want.” He leaned past her and extended his hand to Lisa, “Cam Torres

orres, this is the best deli in town. Please don’t make it so I can’t come here anymore.”

defiantly. “Why can’t you come here? Do you feel guilty coming in here?” he gave a pointed look at the

you’re intruding in my favorite space a

ed. My mom told me to find one old with one foot in the grave with lots of money. He fits the bill.”

ed reminding her of the conversation she had with his daughter. “And we’ve already discussed with age comes experience.

e and sat down with Lisa. She ignored Cam as he placed his order and engaged in friendly chat with the owner of the deli, an older man related in some way to the man slicing meat beside him. She stared out the window and noted Gideon leaning against the car outside. She gave a wa

?” Lisa squeale


her eyebrows suggestively.

sed as she realized she was speaking the truth, “I respect him. He also really likes my dog.”

h my dog.”

wickedly and they both erupted into fits of giggles.

I even want to know what you’re talking about?” Cam approached hold

sabella nodded, “he’s hot.”

ou think so. He’s already told me more than o

ings his stick.”

er work, and he’ll do a sweep of your house. You’ll have a crew stationed outside the house. You’re not to leave once you are home.” He stood upright. “And before you argue, I already discussed this with Clara, and she agreed.”

hy the cha

r. Don’t give your guards a hard time whi

ticed the lines around his eyes. “Is everything okay?”

versee a situation. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

dad tomorrow.”

ed her cheek. “Behave.”

felt strangely bereft at the knowledge he was leavin

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