The Assassin’s Billionaire Bodyguard – Chapter 55

Isabella skidded to a stop on the tiled floor as she entered the house through the back door and found Portia kneeling on the floor with a box on the floor in front of her. She kicked the box away from her and pulled Portia into her arms and away from the box.

Cam grabbed the box and investigated it and immediately looked to his daughter in confusion, “where did this come from?”

“I ordered a dress from the shop for our play tonight and they said they’d courier it to me today,” she was shaking and crying as she kept her head turned away. “I thought it was from the dress shop. The box is from their shop.”

the box to Erik who made a face as he peer

ooked to Cam. “Someone’s pissed at Portia?”

ys she’s next.”

ch who he needs to.”

stem and security cams and I’ll know in ten

minutes what would take us a days to find.” Erik raised his eyebrows.

ask questions Erik. Just accept the help.” Isabella retorted.

the box.

h Cam, “Portia do you know what a rat is?”


her naïveté. Cam pulled her into his arms, “honey, it means someone thinks you tattled on them. A rat is someone who breaks a secret or tells on someone. I’m betting it’s one of Evgeni’s group, but Isabella will find out. Do you have a different dress to wear because I’m fairly sure you don’t want to wear one covered in rodent?”

at her father incredulously.

something in my closet, but I had this whole thing planned, around the dress.”

usly, “what size are you?”


Let me call in a favor and I’ll get you a dress.”

beg to get this today.”

er of Merry-Beth Winchester, are you?” She shook her phone, “and I have her on speed dial.”


the least popular Ruiz, the only acc

busted out

ir, ignoring the confused looks from the crowd.

as none of his business who was on the phone. “I swear, we got married and he instantly became my personal secretary.”

rital bliss?”


clusive restaurant.”

moaned, “Give me her number and I’ll call her. Clara messaged me ea

nk you. You have no idea how hel

e off you in Vegas our last trip, it’s the least I can do.”

h other on the phone and then Isabella looked up to see the inquisitive stares.

Erik spoke first. “You have

r to pieces.” She looked to Portia, “she’s going to call your phone and if she said she can get you a dress in an hour, you’ll have a dress in an hour.”

say thank you.”

She’s a great resource. Use her.” Portia flung her arms around her neck in a quick hug, immediately forgetting the threat to her life and the scare she had before racing up the stairs as her phone rang.

e? Let me guess, it’s the first time she ordered from here?” She turned her back on Cam and took a long slow breath, “yeah, thanks for letting me know. I’ll let him deal with it for sure.”

nding at the door. “Cam, maybe you don’t want to know this in front of your guys.”

f Evgeni’s guys I assume?”


st them.”

, “this is too sweet. I’m not the only one with a crazy ex.”


id Portia happen to catch her with some other guy?”

hey were all starting to laugh lowly, “yeah, we dated a few weeks and then Portia saw her making out with some guy on Fifth Ave and took a

e box. My boss told me ‘The big guy can handle his bunny boiler’.”

was not amused. “I’ll take care of it.”

ll her though. I feel like one of us having to have our exes murdered is enough.” Casper was hot on her heels and barked once as if to say he agreed.

-Beth and smiled as she knocked and stepped into the room. Immediately she regretted her decision and her inner neat freak screamed in disgust while Casper pawe

pped her hands excitedly at her, “Merry-Beth is sending me a dress from one of her designer frie

e the size of Clara’s.”

ry-Beth mocked her.erHery

ore Christmas tinsel as a dress.” Isabella grinned back as she looked down at her bl

was a Victor Sanchez original

bugged with amazement.

d both of us.”


a shoe at Isabella and Portia giggled. Merry-Beth groan

miled brightly at Isabella. “Thank you for doing this. You have no idea how much this me


aid something about Fight Club and rules. I don’t know what it means.”

ou like Brad Pitt?”



effort to bond but the eye candy is superb.”

t not used to sitting so long but he did enjoy it.”

ught he was just saying it to make me feel better.”

better. He’s as honest about his opinions as they come.”

gued into the topic with ease, “the person who sent the rat was your dad’s ex-girlfriend Jasmine. She works at

e send me a dead mouse?”

y still angry about it.”

e jet across the ocean,” Portia grumbled.

t miss going abroad.”

d him to pay attention. Had I known telling him I was dating Evgeni would get his attention, I would have told him months ago.”

lla chuckled, “seriously girl, there’s an easi

r East Side. I went there trying to find a new boyfriend to make my ex and my so-called best friend jealous. I’m realizing I have really shitty judgement in people.”

tched clothes fly past her face. “If you’re trying to make friends or boyfriends for the purpose of pissing someone off, then you’re going to attract the kind of people who piss others off.”


e actually interested in you instead of trying to get your dad’s attention?” Isabella asked curi


sure if you were ready. He promised to go slow.”

?” Her blue eyes were perplexed as she plucked a scarf off the floor.


he surprised expression.

to give his number to you. He doesn’t date a lot because of his job. His last girlfriend got really upset with him because he had to leave during dinner and he got called into work.”

n need of the shelter, then he will drop everything and anything to go help.”

shelter when he was a kid.”

of him and his kid sister.”

oly shit.”

good friend of mine.”

go help a stranger who needed help from someone at the shelter.”


than me. It’s not like he was leaving to go bang someone. He was

sound of Sabine calling her name made Isabella shake her head. “Sounds l

d to do something with this. One of these days you’ll go missing and we’ll find you under an avalanche of clothes. Also, Isabella is likely to have a panic at

cursed her out.


ery damn night for supper and she’s ready to kill him. She said she’d pay you to take him out, Portia.”

k her head. “Will you guys still be around when we get back from the sho

d, knowing full well what the smirk was about. They weren’t going a

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