The Assassin’s Billionaire Bodyguard – Chapter 58

Isabella was feeling numb as Clara walked her back into Cam’s house. They had barely spoke on the drive from the hospital to the house. Isabella noted all of her friends’ cars were gone but Sabine’s car was still there, and Gideon’s Aston Martin was sitting in the drive parked behind it.

“We had fight night with olive oil,” Isabella spoke suddenly as they climbed the front stairs.

Clara chuckled, “I know. Cat sent me a video of you knocking Gideon on his a*s by pulling on his pants. Elian told me to ask you about whether you have a drinking problem. I told him it didn’t look like you had any problems drinking at all.”

ism. Feeling surprisingly well this morni

e down.”

of the guys when he’s trying to sleep.”

dproofing for my bedroom,” Clara muttered.

ng to build a guest house on the property for me.

ce. “He doesn’t want you to live i

. No, I guess Portia suggested he give me a ‘she-shed’ so I could get away from the crowds on occasion. He and Gideon liked the idea so much it’s going to be a cottage. He’s going to pick your brain on setting me up like my hou

love you and also I can’t belie

ve been kicked in the ribs.”

ach for the door handle, the door sprung open, and Portia was hanging around her neck sobbing, and Casper was y

her head as if she also didn’t know and walked past the girls into the house.

rres, what’s a woman got to do to get a drink around here?”

n,” Cam called back as he came out of the living room. He watched as Isabella guided

hand,” Clara waved at him.

passed her the tumbler.

ed forward on the sofa. “Wel

m going to let Isabella tell you because it involves her fa

Hey, Raisa went to you for a

he came to me because she wanted m

ed the banter.

Sabine a pointed look as if instructing her to keep her there. Isabella scooped

t Cam was to put me on a plane to Russia, kidnap me, keep me drugged and get me pregnant.”

ed his tumbler so tightly it cracked in his hands, and he threw it across the room into a bin in a rage. Isabella held up her hand, “your anger is not helpful right now.” She gave a pointed look to Portia who was shaking under Sabine’s arm

d done the exact same thing to, but he ended up killing her when she proved to be incapable of carrying a child to term.” Clara tossed in as she sipped her drink. “This is g

outh. “No.”

the group. Gideon’s curse echoed around them.

sh her or kill her for it.”

rough her tears, “and last night a lady sent me a dead rat.”

a turned and looked in confusion.

and felt it was kismet.”


s said to let Cam se

abine said seriously.

“I’d like to see what kind of girl Cam dated before me.”

versation jumping up from the sofa impatiently betraying how uncomfortable he was with the change in topic.

get her out of the country because she thought Mikhail would kill her. Mikhail immediately forgave her, told her he loved her and said she did the right thing in protecting their family which includes all of us,” Isabella waved her arm around the room. “Mikhail said he would take care of everything and R

rew out.

id you k

is gave m


her people in the room a

your heads,” Portia said with the first hint of a smile since Cam had told her of Evgen

la chuckled, “exactly.”

for. Did you give her Dylan’s number yet?”


Portia’s age I was on husband number two.”

ked incredulously.

d to Portia, “I killed them both and fled to America.”


inted her glass in Cam’s direction, “things you would never have uncovered in your deep dive of our bios.”

our system?” Gideon begged. “I let Isabella beat me up and I wasn’t even part of the agreement.”

at means.”

left the room without another word.

ndup?” Portia asked curiously.

’s a tip from one woman to another, never, not ever, ask a question you know deep down in your gut

n. “Deep in my gut?”

ating to get out of here. You want to follow Gideon so go.”


d someone who loved him,” Isabella offered d

dering how much she left out. I’m betting there was way more she didn’t tell us. I can’t imagine killing your own son.”

’t know how she did it, but she did us all a fav

his chest, “Isabella’s right though, I can see you’re chomping at the bit so go do whatever you need to do.”

air asked quietly, “what do you think they’re going to do?”

ound up all of Evgeni’s thugs and take them out.”


nswers to,” Sabine repeated Isabella’s words. “Come on, we should do something to distract ourselves. Let’

us permission if we don’t ask for it,” Isa


, you’re with two of the women who dragged you out of the hellhole. Do you really think we’d let anything happen to you? Also, maybe we should call Jesse and see if she wants to come. She lives with h


ant to come too.”


to labour and it was someone who really wanted a drug-free homebirth.” Isabella shuddered, “not sure why anyone would want to such a thing. And Sabby is going to get us a change of clothes. She hates the clothes I’m wearing, and she knows you would want to change. Before you protest, if you change in the house, your dad will kn


se car?”

ll know.”

ll know.”

ed to sneak out all the time on Carolina Ruiz. Take notes.”

kills people for a living and your mother scares me more. Also, should you be encouraging me to sneak out. Aren’t you supposed to be loyal to my dad?”

don’t screw up.”



per is good with Myriam and I’ll meet you by the gate.”


ofa. “C’mon buddy. You’re a vital part of this mission.”

hat mission?” Portia whispered as Sabine dragged her way.

bine whispered in her ear and Portia’s eyes grew round and then she giggled. “Oh my god this is going to be

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