The Billionaire’s Twins Play Matchmaker – Chapter 20

Macey stared at her computer screen lost in thought. Since revealing the truth about Julius the kids went back to their usual activities. Aria was busy coloring and naming the subjects accordingly in different languages while Caden played piano. Neither seemed particularly shaken by the earth-shattering news their father was alive and well let alone had been spending time with them. It made Macey wonder if perhaps Augustus had already let that one slip.

She thought she should be mad at her father-in-law but perhaps it was the natural course of action. Julius was his son after all. In truth she wasn’t particularly bothered. She always intended to tell the twins about their father but could never find a good time. But now things were getting complicated.

Macey always assumed Julius moved on with his life after she left. She never expected him to confess to looking for her even after all their years apart. She definitely wasn’t expecting him to act so passionately. He seemed desperate to keep her at his side…or was that just her wishful thinking?


to want Macey back. What was she going to do?

rprised. Macey recalled Julius had always been an attentive uncle so it made sense fatherhood would be a natural fit for him.

d as soon as they saw her.

!” Jude greeted immediately enveloping her in a hug.

hugged him back. “It’s good to see you! You’re so tall! You need to stop growing!


He could easily pass for a younger brother. She smiled at the young man she still saw as a thirteen-year-old. “How

ing. Dad says it gets more interesting later.”

t here’s something your father won’t tell you. Don’t just take your classes. Go to school events. Meet people. Make some bad decisions. As long as it doesn’t in end in jail time or pregnancy it’s

adn’t received yet. Macey knew he would follow in his father’s footsteps on day. He had always been driven by the desire to continue the family legacy. In fact he was almost too responsible for a nineteen-year-old. He never once gave his parents trouble. There were never any late night calls for bail or emergency assistance. Vicki would definitely make a few more inappropriate suggestions but Macey l

cey asked. She doubted he had gotten kicked out of school so he must hav

ad to come and see them for myself. I mean, if that’s all right?”


usins for the first time. It was like looking in a time warp. They looked just like their parents in family photos from before he was born.

. “I’m Aria and this is Caden.”

your parents.”

heir mother while he only had her eyes. Knowing he looked like his father made him feel like he truly belonged.

cing the large bag Jude carried.

e. I also bought a kite if you want to fly it.”

nuinely intrigued. They had seen others flying kites but had never done so


ke room to put the kite together. The twins watched fascinated. Rose chuckled snapping photos with her

as ready Jude led them outside. Despite its small size the yard was spacious. He worried there wouldn’t be enough wind but luckily the buildings around them seemed to channel it giving them an ample breeze to try and fly the newly made kite. It took several attempts running back and forth with the twins laughing at his antics. Jude nearly ran out of breath before he succeeded to the twins’ delight. They clapped excitedly when it finally stayed aloft.

neeling he enc

en, level with me,” Jude said, “who was playing the p

y? You play that well?”

Aria proudly added.

ay…that playing was amazing!”

awkwardly smiled though he did lik

y couldn’t help but be amazed at how readily the twins warmed up to family members they never met before. In the pas

with hostility and disregarded by the twins. In fact, even their god-father Paul, one of Macey’s closest college friends, was occasionally given the cold shoulder. She often wondered why they were sometimes welcoming and sometimes ignored the man they saw almost daily and was close enough to be con

said. “Did you know dad bought an art gallery?”

ver been interested in art…so why a gallery? And I don’t know this artist either: M. Gray. I wonder if he’s a veteran. Dad has a soft spot for veterans after all.


opening. It’s tomorrow night. And I just don’t know what to think.”

are you going?”

“even though large parties aren’t really my thing…but it’s for art…so…”

“Oh good,” Rose breathed a sigh of relief.



ut. After a moment of thought Macey let it go. Rose was not one for large, fancy parties either though she always seemed to handle

y didn’t understand why their family was so fascinated by their pictures but it was an easy gift to make them happy.

rtists like your mom I’ll have some of your very first pictures to brag to everyone.”

sed. So far their family was fulfilling their expectations splendidly.

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