The Billionaire’s Twins Play Matchmaker – Chapter 29

Paul silently sipped his drink his mind churning. When Victoria asked him to be her escort for the gallery opening he wasn’t sure what to think. It just seemed so strange. Macey never even hinted at starting her own gallery let alone debuting in America. She avoided any talk about the States. For her to suddenly hold a grand opening in America was a shock but he agreed to accompany her nonetheless.

When they arrived he couldn’t believe the grandiose presentation celebrating her work. It was clear it was done out of deep respect and genuine love. Considering the difficulties in her life Macey deserved the recognition. Not only had she been abandoned while pregnant she rebuilt her life for her twins.

Paul still remembered the first day he saw her on campus her belly beginning to show. Victoria introduced them and Paul thought he was looking at an angel. Only later did he learn the truth that her husband abandoned her and the baby. He was furious. If he had known who her husband was he would have hunted him down but Macey never wanted to talk about him. Paul was forced to let it lie.

e hurt again. After the twins were born Paul thought it was his chance to show her he wasn’t like her ex.

mother kept her distance? In either case he was never able to capture their hearts. He was an uncle and that was the place they kept him.


attracted to her? What bothered Paul was that Macey seemed to reciprocate. There was no denying the body language between the pair.

n the alcohol he was downing faster than he should.

ather, and the younger man moved off leaving the brothers. Two was far less intimidating than four and guests slowly began to approach to speak to one or the other, sometimes both. Paul downed one last drink before making his way toward his rival.

” Julius told his last visitor, “I’ll check my schedule for you.”

eant for relaxation. It was all part of his world and he bared them no grudge. His gaze kept drifting to Macey as she chatted with Victoria and Rose. People started approaching the female trio. Word that she was the famed artist was slowly traveling through the


what Macey has been through. What you put her through whe

life after that night but no matter how many times he heard the truth it still hurt. He knew it was all his fault and he would do everything he could to make it up to her.

You won’t be able to fool them either.”

ayed with money or jewels or fancy clothes. She was far too genuine to fall for such traps. And Julius certainly didn’t need to be told how s

he drunk speech gave him pause. He realized the man in front of him was jealous and there was only o

happy to see her college friends but there had been no particular attachment to this man beyond friendship. So this man’s love was one-sided. That thought calmed him. Julius would tolerate many things but not a rival for Macey’s affection.

. You probably don’t even know her favorite food is strawberries!”

y wrong they weren’t completely right either. He opened his mouth to speak but Julius beat him to the punch.

her’s rant and now it was time for Paul to listen to his.

truth. Her favorite movie is the Princess Bride. She’s seen it a million times and can quote it verbatim…and she always cries at the exact same place.”

he didn’t like strawberries?

at did not mean he would allow his place beside Macey to be taken.

shoulder for her to cry on don’t think you know her better than I do.”

ce in Julius’s voice. There was no doubt, no insecurity. In no uncertain terms Julius was declaring Macey was his and his alone.

never forget this moment. Remember it. And remember she has always been mine…and always will be.”

red him a dear friend and hurting him would be hurting her.

pagne flute for a full one. He watched his brother carefully but despite the confrontation Julius seemed…relaxed. He sipped his drink rather than downing it as his gaze drifted to where Macey still sto

h said.

ulius asked.


up with her too.”

h the Princess Bride with her to know it was her favorite movie?”

en she intruded into his mind he would start the movie and remember that moment. He didn’t feel like admitting it to March.

ia squealed as sh

How would he survive without them from now on?

w are my babies?” Julius asked.

Caden answered. “Are you not feeling well?”

much did she really know? Had she seen the confrontation that unfolded between him and Paul?

l better now?” Aria asked.


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