The Blood Moon Twins – Chapter 141


It was strange seeing Harper with Rido over the next couple of weeks. She was so good with him, which wasn’t surprising. She had always been good with children. She was drawn to their innocence, and she was beyond patient with them in a way a lot of people weren’t. It was very different from her low tolerance towards adults when they did something wrong.

The way she cared for Rido, and the way he grew more and more attached to her stirred something in my heart. One day I would have a family with Harper. Not any time soon. We were still much too young, and before I even thought about having children, I wanted to be settled into leading the pack, but I knew one day Harper would make a wonderful mother and a wonderful luna.

fortunately, most of the information wasn’t useful. However, he gave enough information that Scythe was able to start scouring the news for information on where Draven might be. With the numbers he needed for war, there would

inked everyone. “I know where Draven moved to.”

conference room ASAP,”

ch Rido. Just catch me up later.” I raised my eyebrows to make sure, and she said, “Go.”

ered if she truly knew how amazing she was. When I pulled away, I glanced at Rido, who was working on reading a book. Harper was teaching him how to read, because when she learned he didn’t have an education at all, she took it upon herself to provide him with the knowledge someone his age should know. It was rather incredible how quickly Rido picked up on everything, and he didn’t seem like a normal child. He was beyond his ag

ater. Have fun.”


e conference room, half of us were already there. Scythe and Percy stood over a large map that was spread over the table. It looked like a map of the entire country, and I was surprised we had a map of the entire

areas, but it was bigger than our pack’s territory.

’t have to throw himself over the table to point out something.

r cities in the vampire territory, we finally found a story that piqued our interest,” Scythe said.

w weeks now,” Percy added. “The numbers are unlike anything else.”

and stop him before his army gets any bigger?”

” Remy asked.

lade. “I haven’t been

, as if it held answers. “If we had our own vampire warriors, it would be possible, but as it stands, I don’t think there’s a way to take him out within the city. We would have to draw him out, and he wouldn’t fall for a trick like that.”


lade and I said simult

ould find a way to use it against us.”

what he wanted,” I added. “There would be no war, and we would los

as the most likely possibility.

war, and there’s no way around it at this point. Draven is clearly someone who won’t negotiate, so we fight, and we do our damndest to win.”

a silent nod as these words fully sank in. War meant death. There was no way around it. Not only did we have to prepare our bodies and skills along with the battle plans, but we also had to prepare for the toll it would take on us ment

I whispered, my throat tightening too much to speak any louder. I knew Winslow was coming for his revenge. He made it clear he would make me regret the things I did to him. That, mixed with Remy’s vision, told us the sorcerers were going to come after us at the same time as the vampires. I just never thought Winslow would have resorted to working with the vampires.

ampires have resistance to magic, so if Draven changed his mind, it would be easy for him to take out the council, right

r lips tight. “Either he’s stupid enough to willingly work with Draven for revenge, or the fact that Draven co



ad heard it plenty before, and it made my heart start to pound. I needed to wake up, but my eyes weren’t cooperating.

ia, and together we will destroy this world.”

as the voice whispered sweet tem

el my body, but it was paralyzed by fear from hearing this voice.

to run far away from it.

e me alone!” I screamed.

ly, Blade hung out in the room with me while I slept, but I knew he was with Rido. I thought about calling him, because his touch always helped me relax. However, I didn’t want to pull him away from Rido. They were probably hunting for food or something, and I didn’t want to come across as too needy.

fridge. The light from the fridge blinded me for a moment from the stark difference of the unlit room.


bed two glasses. I set them on the counter, and Caulder poured us each a glass of milk.

Caulder put away the milk. We used to randomly stumble into the kitchen around the same time when we were younger. We always laughed and said i

h been distracted by our mates,” he laughed back

coming. I kept tossing and turning and didn’t want to disturb Harper. What about you?”

t’s coming for me, Caulder.”

ce it on the battlefield. It probably can sense that.”

’m not ready for the loss.”

nk anyone is ever ready for the loss that war causes,” Caulder said solemnly. He reached out and grabbed my hand, “But we’ll get through it. Together.


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