The Blood Moon Twins – Chapter 156: The End

Several months later…


My mom was holding back tears as Blade and I packed the car. When we were done, she pulled me into a big hug, and I felt my cheeks dampen with her tears.

ted than upset for the adventure that lay ahead of us, but I still felt strange leaving my family behind.

away. “I know. I’m just so proud of you for taking this on.”

heading out as emissaries to talk to various covens and sorcerer’s clans about dissolving the treaty made centuries ago that stopped all of us from interacting together. We planned on creating a new treaty that allowed

about what it would be like being separated for so long. The longest time we had spent apart was the month he had been held captive by the Council of Magic, and that wasn’t easy.

ut we knew we would be apart for much longer. Blade and I planned on visiting as often as we could, but we had no idea how long all of this would take. It was strange thinking Caulder wouldn’t be by my side during all of that. He had always been there to support me, but he

nto him. Harper would be crowned Luna at the same time as well. I promised I would return for that moment, since even though I was going my own wa


delaying us even more. “They can handle themselves.”

aid, a frown deepening in her face. “But I wasn’t ready for her to leave the nest so

ast hug before I left. “I love you both, and if I need any advic

id, holding me for a moment longer.

g, my dad practically pulled my mom away as Caulder finally approached with his hands in his pockets. Blade conveniently found some things that needed

etter not get into t

tter not run this pack to the g

ad always lived our lives together, and the idea of living completely separate lives was not something that had ever occurred to me growing up. It didn’t occur to him either.

er finally said.

if I need you.” I paused and then de

ve to call me daily,” Caulder teased.


se the strain in my voice, and his smile shifted to one that was more forced. “In all seriousness, call as much as you want.”

. I want to be here for all of the special moments, like when you propose.”

had come a long way from the wild teenager he used to be.

o hear about it beforeh

said, looking back at Blade.

rrying him one day made my heart race in the best way possible. “Of course,” I said.

ce filled the air as we fought to find something

en trying to avoid thinking about what I would be leaving behind, since I knew there was good I had to do in the world.

led, knowing no matter how far away from each other we were, we would always be each other’s best friend.


y life, and while we would always be there for each other, things were different now. I had Harper, and she had Blade.

uldn’t get myself to leave quite yet, despite the late summer heat building as the day went on.

was here for me.

be amazing on this new adventure.”

lways been there for Harper, too, so I wasn’t the only one losing a best friend.

she finds her place out there.”

ill,” I said confident

I would love to see that.”

too spirited to back down. “But we’re needed here.”

g. Day by day, I wanted to do what I could to make that pain just a little bit less.

. “You are already so good to this pack.”

the place he finally belonged. “I can’t wait for you to be my luna.”

away. “I’m already yours.”

the distance between our lips. She would always taste amazing to me, and I was excited to spend the rest of my life with her.

oo, Alpha Caulder,” she said with a tease in her voi

g to make the world a better place.

You are going to do amazing things,” I linked Remy, even though I didn’t know if

ating with my sister through linking. But then I heard her say, “And so will you. I’m looking forward to the future we will create.”

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