The Diva Of The Wolves – Chapter 72

The blonde did everything humanly possible to make Esmer scream that she was his, however, the brunette never gave him what he wanted. That didn’t bother Khan and she found it a challenge to get what she wanted. What she didn’t know was that that man likes to be challenged.

Her heat passed and Esmeralda never realized what her younger sister was doing, she had no time to investigate. The brunette returned to her work and classes, it was uncomfortable for her to move after all the times that blonde took her body, Khan was very kind in helping her with her cleaning work at the university and that also allowed him to be by her side and carry her to his house.

Khan also returned to the place where the four men were attacked to try to get any scent from the attacker, he doesn’t like the idea of ​​a wolf walking around murdering people. The blonde was not successful because the scene is contaminated with human odors and chemicals that may have been used to take fingerprints.

ou know my parents are getting married,” he announces as they walk down the university hallway.

ery happy,” he tells her.

ou,” he stops abruptly.

e whispers.

hiding anything from you,” he clarifies.

ps towards her so that she is far behind him. He brings her lips to her ear and lets out her warm breath that makes Esmer’s skin crawl.

I’m your partner,” he announces.


she mumbles.

ake her hand. The brunette feels very close to him and although she doesn’t dare to say it out loud, she is falling in love with the beautiful blonde.

bit, he turns to look at him, “Can you accompany me to the office for a few minutes?” “He” he questions.

the cafeteria,” she kisses his forehead to go to the director who immediately sets off towards his office.

what do you want with the human?” —He questions.

ith his life and his expression immediately becomes serious.

dly in the director’s. “What I do here is none of his business,” he adds curtly.

and you are the clear example of insecurity, your reputation precedes you,” she says.

way if you want to continue with your life.

anyone, and therefore, I do not understand your need to question me regarding my life,” she tells him.

you wants with a human,” he murmurs.

uestions as he stands up.

you know about the attack in the forest? “You’re the

ffice, leaving the director with the question of who the other changeling is that is hurting humans.

when he sees a man very close to the brunette, he walks up to them

uches his hand.

s towards the brunette.

e grabs the edge of his jacket and if looks could kill, that guy would be dead.

Esmer asks.

—She asks with her teeth clenched holding back a growl.

Esmer decides to leave him and help his friend —I’m sorry, Julio, are you okay? —He questions.

ss pays the consequences, is that c

that,” he murmurs.

“He’s cute, but he’s a dumb blond, his brain muscles atrophy,




enitals on my forehead? —questions the chestnut.

o her with two kisses.

ot commit any fault and he is the one who should apologize for his irrational jealousy.

looks for a change of clothes.

hat way,” she admits.

u could have hurt him,” she states.


his arms to try to get him to let go.


me through you,” she says with terror.

afraid of those like you,” she reminds him. “Nothing will happen,” she adds.

about it.

ness, don’t break you down at times like these,” she murmurs.

irection of the conversation.

,” she allows him to turn in her arms.

ulio, he’s gay,” he looks at her with surprise.


ls at him.



rrect. The blonde tries to kiss her and she avoids him, causing him to frown.

that? —She questions.

ip is not so strong to move away from him.

l apologize

ou do,” she says. “I accept you


ls him.

ith you.

o choice but to leave.

lace where the smell comes from and enters a cave.

The other wolf growls at him when he sees

does not separate his red eyes from his golden ones.

uman form.

overs her breasts with her hands preventing him from seeing them—Who are you? —She questions.

s Luna,” she answers.

the wolf that murdere




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